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3rd time's a charm?


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I'm a 20 year old virgin and have tried to have sex with my girlfriend a couple times, both times I was pretty drunk...and I couldn't get it up (because of nervousness or whatever). She's experienced, and I know she wants it...I want it too, but not as much as I just want to satisfy her. I'm sure she's annoyed that I couldn't get it up...I attempted oral, I'm sure it wasn't very good though as it was my first time doing that as well, plus as I mentioned, I was drunk. But now after a few weeks she doesn't seem as interested in me. I want to try again without being drunk...I dunno, there's a lot more to the story and more I want to ask, but I'll keep it short and simple.


What do you think she's thinking? I'm a good guy other than ... these problems, I give her flowers, call her often, I've been told many times I'm hot, smart, funny...all that good stuff.


How do I go about trying again? Should I actually ask to try again? (I'm shy too, so it's really hard for me to talk about stuff like that, which is why I had to be drunk for my first attempts)




By the way, we've only known eachother about 12 weeks, and the first try was after about 4 weeks...2nd try 8 weeks. I feel I kinda rushed it a little...but whatever, what's done is done.

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First of all I'd like to say that I'm also a 20 year old virgin! lol. I totally understand that you want to focus more on just giving pleasure more then the idea of sex and think that's great!


Secondly I'd like to point out that I think it's wonderful how much attention you're giving her and she would be crazy to be unsatisfied if your willing to satisfy her in and out of the bedroom!


Personally, I think that you may feel a little hurried into the intimacy and that stress has caused a little bit of a problem in the bedroom. I'm sure you love the idea that your girlfriend is sexual, but you shouldn't feel like your rushing or you won't get the satisfaction that you could get if you both just take your time not only when it comes to sexual matters but in everything else that gives substance to your relationship.


Don't worry and if you think she might become a little impatient, just tell her what your thinking and if she really wants to SATISFY you she'll understand! Good luck!

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Another thing to realize is that you were drunk and alcohol can effect that kind of thing. If you do ever try again, definantly don't do it drunk and see if that helps any.


If she's starting to seem uninterested in you just because of this, then she's not worth it. There are more important things in a relationship than sex and if she loses interest just through this, then what else will make her lose interest easily?

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She might be thinking that you don't want her and she's distancing herself from you because of that. It sounds like you want to try again, so you definitely should - when the time is right. If the right situation comes up (maybe you're sitting around cuddling, or whatever), ask her then, and make sure to emphasize the fact that you were drunk (which almost certainly caused your problems) and you definitely want to be with her.

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She might be thinking that you don't want her and she's distancing herself from you because of that. It sounds like you want to try again, so you definitely should - when the time is right. If the right situation comes up (maybe you're sitting around cuddling, or whatever), ask her then, and make sure to emphasize the fact that you were drunk (which almost certainly caused your problems) and you definitely want to be with her.

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