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Hey I've been thinking a lot lately and I was just wondering are we as humans naturally driven to try to find love? What I mean by this is, since me and my ex have split which is coming up on about a year soon, I have been actively searching for love. Believe me I'm not settling for anyone or anything like that, I just long to find like my soulmate sort of deal. And I feel like I'm kind of a weak person. I would like to think I can live on my own and I don't need anyone, and I guess I have already proven that. I just want to be with someone. I don't feel like I need it because I'm pretty content with my life, I go out and have lots of fun with my friends and my bands are prospering, I'm just not as content as I would be if I had a love in my life. Do any of you feel the same way? I've met a girl and shes like so not into relationships and she wants nothing to do with them, and it seems a bit of a hard concept for me to understand. Especially when she really cares for a person but holds back. I know she is somewhat scared about relationships but I'm not sure as to what she is scared of. This is kind of just a thought provoking questions I guess, and I was just wondering, feel free to tell me your stories or what you think.

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I believe that humans are destined to find love, in one way or another, and it is intrinsic within us to search for this love; be it on a conscious or a subconscious level. Over the centuries, people have looked for opposite gender companionship merely to produce offspring, but there have always been exceptions that have fallen in love. hmm...'love' hard to describe such a broad topic as is.


we search for love not because we want to, but because we need it. It is a nessesity of life. Not all of us find it, but we learn many important lessons along the road questing for love. our search takes us to many places, to many people of different shapes, colors and sizes.

When do we know when to stop looking? well we just know! thats the beauty of the system, once we find it we know immediately, no doubts, no mistakes, no second thoughts.


Albeit many people believe they have found love then lose it, unfortunate incidents lead them to have to join the quest for love again. It is a never endin cycle. once u find it you KNOW. But the other beauty of the system is that if u lose it, you can always find it again. love is everywhere to be found. you may not find it by looking for it, you may not find it by waiting for it. you just have to live your life to the fullest and take every chance that comes by, and hope you never have to wonder: 'what if..?'

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Sure, I think everyone goes through this at different points in their lives. (Some refer to it as "hearing your biological clock ticking".)


As the old saying goes, "no man is an island". We all need companionship; and, most of us at least, need a life mate -- someone who'll be with us through thick and thin, forever standing by our side.


It's not unusual at all. You may find it eases up as you grow more accustomed to being single again. Or, it may last for a while. It won't, however, last forever; and, if you're meant to find someone, you will.


As for people fearing relationships, most of the time they fear being hurt. That's especially true if they've been in a bad relationship. I mean, think about it -- doesn't it make sense for someone who has been abused or cheated on to dread a new relationship for fear that it will bring more abuse or infidelity?

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but what if that has never happened, are you saying that everyone searches for love no matter the person, just some people dont because they are too scared? I'm not sure, I don't think the girl has ever really been in a relationship. I am actually okay with being single, I feel fine, but I guess your right, most people do want that person to confide in and its seriously something I wish for everyday. Because it is the one thing missing from my life and I guess its the thing I long for. This is a good discussion.

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yea , it is def hard to not look for it . it's always happened for me when i least expected it , which kind of isn't fun during periods when you are looking. but nothing has really come out of any of the r-ships. and as for people who have never been in one and being scared, maybe something bad happened between the parents or family members ...not so sure bout that one... 0X

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