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She insulted his mother


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My friend(25 years old) did a terrible thing with her boyfriend..They were in a fight when all suddenly she mentioned his mother beeing with a married man! he went mad and said all kinds of stuff to her,,and has since then had no contact(this has been 2 weeks ago)



I told her she said a horrible thing and i personally would not forgive her,she thinks he is overreacting since she just was mad....thing is she just thinks his mom is in a relationship with a married man,there is no proof.What would you do(especially guys)

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is it true? did she see his mom out with another guy? what is the proof she has or why does she think this way?


it's hard to comment on the situation because there are so many details left out - what did they fight about, why did she even talk about his mom, why won't he speak to her now??

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is it true? did she see his mom out with another guy? what is the proof she has or why does she think this way?


it's hard to comment on the situation because there are so many details left out - what did they fight about, why did she even talk about his mom, why won't he speak to her now??


She says it started from a silly thing,she mentioned some rumour and then he told her he doesnt like it and that she behaves like an old grannie with nothing better to do than speak about other people,,,then she went angry and said are you hurt when i talk about women with married men and such stuff since your mother as well is doing the same thing? :S She did not see anything but she sees some commentd on fb on her mothers pictures ...thats all she has she said

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