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TO SHAVE OR NOT TO SHAVE...in the southern region...

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Completely shaved... My BF's never had a complaint with the trim region I used to have, but when I shaved it once for him he said it was a total turn on. Since then I've kept it shaved. Once a month I give it a break and it grows to "just beyond stubble, fuzzy" length when I know he won't be down there anyway (hehehe ) to reduce ingrown hairs and razor burn.

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I used to shave and trim but i tried a brazillian wax about a month ago and it was great. Yeh it was painful and the downside is that it does grow back faster than u would like but its still a hell of a lot easier than having to shave every couple of days and u avoid razor burn. Plus it feels so much nicer and cleaner when u get it ALL waxed off. I think guys love it too, one of my guy friends said that he liked trimed but once his gf got a brazillian he realised how much he preferred that over trimming.


Its all up to self preference of course. Whatever u do, do it for yourself and not just cause u think ur guy will like it. I feel...more hygenic with a wax and its convenient thats why i do it!

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Ladies: Do you shave or wax the "southern region" and if so, do you shave/wax completely bare or what? Or do you go "au naturale"?


I go completely bare...I started as with all the mileage I put on cycling, sometimes even trimmed really short it was a bit itchy/irritating when wearing my bike shorts, so I decided to try it out. My boyfriend at the time loved it, and actually I love it too, and have stayed bare since.


I just find it cleaner, I feel sexier for some reason, and I have not had any complaints about it either. And it really does not take much effort or time to keep it bare


As for men, I prefer when they at least keep it trimmed/short....area smells better and it is more pleasant for us girls when we are visiting down there!

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applause for the Bored Guy... =D> I like the guys to be trimmed. Just tidy, neat, and clean. I would be overwhelmingly surprised if he waxed. Au natural doesn't go over too well, as men are pretty well endowed with fuzz in the nether regions...


As for myself, I'm a shave it all and bear/bare it sorta girl.

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i like ladies on the uhh... natural side. not out of control, but a nice little "triangle" above the area. as for me, b/c of the sport that i do, i wear spandex shorts every practice, meaning almost everyday of the week, and one time i trimmed as short as i could with scissors, and little hairs were poking out of the fabric and it was super itchy, so since then i haven't done that

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