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Smell & other things. Help!!


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What does your SO smell like to you?


I'm wondering this as I have read a couple of articles on smell & attraction.

Recently there has been a number of occassions where my SO hasn't smelled good to me and it's really confusing me. He has smelled amazing to me in the past, but then all of the sudden his washing powder started smelling funny to me and dull (not as fresh as I would like it), when he got sweaty and manly I did not feel ok about having my face buried in his arm pit so much and also before his breath never smelled like anything to me and his morning breath smelled really light and dusty like a newborn or something.. but somehow this has all changed for a more earthier and musky scent? He is a smoker and his breath sometimes now (even after not smoking) smells heavy & musky and reminds me of my father who was also a smoker.


I read that on birth control your attraction to smell can change, did any of you experience this? I have never been extremely intoxicated by my boyfriends smell, apart from when we began to see each other 2 years ago since then he stopped wearing cologne and also deodorant mostly and just had a natural light smell, and just the last month I have been put off by his smelly smell?


Any of you guys experience this?


Also I love kissing him but sometimes it gets so sloppy and it also throws me off cos I don't ever remember having this with any of my exes. Normally kissing would be seamless and smooth, now I find myself more and more focusing on the wetness of a kiss and technicalities rather than properly being present.


Please if you have any advice share it with me, because I feel like my body is messing with my mind

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