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Love has always been one of those areas that restrictions arent necessarily put on, that limitations are always exceeded and expectations arent there. BUT what happens what that door shuts?


I have been one to live in my own world, to live by my own rules to some respect, whilst, taking in others thoughts and perspectives. BUT im confused, does love have

age boundries?

    restrictions when it comes to pasts?
    a check list? (as in people seem to have this perfect person they want to find and you have to meet the ageneda)??


I never thought any of these were part of it and this is only the beginning, people test love all the time, but hows that so when we cant put a finger on what it is already?


Where does right, wrong, and personal opinion come into it?

Is one persons love the same as another?

And if not whos right is it to advice on something they arent part of?


can you love more than once?


i used to believe i had the answers to these questions but how can i have?wont those answers just apply to me?







Im in a curious mood, thanks everyone, kel x

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I think your opinion of right and wrong comes into play as you try to listen to both sides of your opinions and that of your lover and take it from there. I think every persons love is different, were all different, but it is similar. I think it is ok to advice your mate, as long as it is done without being mean.


can you love more than once?


Yes, you can but if it was "real" the first time, besides the possibility that the other one died, I would think that you should only "love" once.


You should always be able to share with the other. Once someone starts claming up, your relationship will deterierate.

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I wouldnt be mean to anyone about love, although i have felt once that someone was being a little too exaggerated with their feelings towards me. but no, its nothing to do with a friend. i just sometimes get confused about whether you can only really truly love one person and the rest of the time, your not necessarily decieved but more so have the wool pulled over your eyes. i totally hear what your saying though. i guess im just curious.


thanks .

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Hey there,


Can you love more than once? Well...a lot of people have different beliefs about that. Sometimes I even get confused on what I think...and I know many times in life I'll be re-confused about the matter. But I believe: no. Unless the one you love dies, you never can truly love another person. Because real love would last forever. And even if the one you loved died and you loved a new person, I definetly don't think you stop loving them. And I'm not all too certain you can really truly fully love the second person. You can, however, fool yourself I believe. For example:


I really care about this guy. He's the first person I ever really cared about in the 'love' sense. Sometimes I ask myself if I love him...I mean, he's the only guy I think about or want in my life, he knows more about me than any other person, and he's told me he loves me. But in his (inadvertant) actions, I know he doesn't truly love me. Even if he truly thinks he does. Still, after breaking apart once, we might get back together. I know it won't last...but I can't help that I care about him and want to give it another shot. I might end up telling him I love him..even believing it myself. But I'll never fully trust him. And love without trust is not love at all. Even though I know this now...I'll probably think I've 'fallen in love' eventually. But the truth is, I just really care about him. I worry about him. I love him like I love people, like I love friends. Like you would love family. I'd never hold a grudge against him or be truly angry with him no matter what he did. But I'll never have love with him. I think few people ever really find love. Love is when you trust someone, you only want them no matter what for the rest of time...and so much more. The rest is just a strong caring...which can fade. Or a physical attraction...which is just what it is. Anyway, that's my two cents.

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