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is this a good childhood memory? please be honest....

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I know this should probably go under GayLesbianBi section, but please dont put it there because I'm sure the people who answer in that section will say yes and I want to get an answer from everyone else besides them.


Come on guys please be honest... have you ever had a same sex experimentation during any time of your life? Studies say about 60% of men have and the number of women are even higher... I read under a post in the gay les bi forum and a poster said "do it while you are young its a great childhood memory, if you dont then you'll regret it later in life" something to that effect.


Well - i'll start this out, yes I have done this a while back, and no i dont regret it, i do think it was a great experience and I did this with my best friend. and just because you do it doesnt mean you are gay or lesbian. You can still be straight.

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When I was probably 7 years old I would make out with my cousin (female) and also a girl I went to school with... we would go in her shed, or under the deck and hump and kiss each other..... Just remembered this so I am adding it in... with a girl I was friends with since 1984 we would go into her closet in the playroom and she would take off her shirt and I would put socks under my shirt and we would touch each other (up top) and kiss.. then her mom found us and yelled at us to never go in her closet again...


Its a little embarrassing now that I think of it, but Im sure all kids do stuff like that... I cant believe at 7 years old we knew what to do... I remember liking it alot and feeling so weird (now I would recognize that feeling as being horny)

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Yep My brother and Bestfriends brother and me and my bestfriend use to dance naked In the playhouse of our backyard....I dont know what we were thinking


Another experience was with one of my bestfriend who was one year older than me...She taught me how to kiss and things got a little farther


I Am Straight most of the time lol


Then again Ive had a few Lesbian Encounters...Never had an actual Girlfriend but i dont know... Ive always kind of wondered if i should try dateing a chick...


My bestfriend turned Bi so i dont know shes diff tho. I have a morals but Latley Partys get a little out of hand I gues...

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ok, judging from the quote you put in their I'm guessing you read my reply I posted there. It wasn't my quote but it was in that thread.


From 10 to about 17 years old, you are at the age of heightened emotions and hormones. Experimentation with this combination is close to being inevitable. Many people experiment to find out about themselves. Like you said, it doesn't make you gay; it doesn't make you straight for that matter either. Many heterosexuals experiment with the same-sex and come to discover that they don't prefer that. Possible homosexuals, however, will dwell on those feelings they had during this "experimentation". If they did it and liked it then there is a good chance that they may come to find they are gay. Now, these people that liked it may come to find out that they are not gay and just got caught in the moment of "true love" (love of true friends.) True love is a powerful thing that can really screw with your confidence. True love is not decided by gender. True love exists between two people that care for each other for who they are.


So, you wanted an honest answer and there it is. I've never experimented and I am currently having problems with my sexuality.


I'm just curious here, are you having problems of you own that brought on this question? Or was it simply out of curiosity? What brought this on is that you seemed to be extremely defensive about homosexuality.


Anyway there's my answer and thoughts on the issue.

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this is an intresting posts i have to say because i had the say ? sourtof but about a friend.


Can you become straight after being a lesbian for so long>


It seems like all of my good friends have either been with another girl or experimented or are just really sextual..


Im just wondering because sometimes i get the hint she likes me more than a friend...

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sorry, i dont have a problem with anyone at all, i have several gay friends. I was just wondering if it really were true that so many people do this, because i did it when I was 11 years old and at the time I regretted it and hated doing it because I thought i was the only person who had ever done anything like that and with a person of the same sex. But then when I got a little older I realized "hey that was cool!"


I think that you can experiment more than 1 time and still be striaght.

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Honestly? No, I haven't, nor have I had any urge to try.


I can't see experimenting at any age is going to make you gay or straight or whatever. You are what you are, but it's not always obvious so anything to help you decide is great.


What studies though? I have to admit, I've not seen anything on this before.

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if you do a search on google, there are ALL KINDS of things, and i know A LOT of people who have done it, and i'm sure most of them wont say, because I wont say either... except on here becasue my identity is secret.


I havent done it yet, but I want to.... I've asked several people, older friends etc etc, and they have all said "do it while you are young and dont let than opportunity pass you by" they told me to just have fun with it, you can do it more than once. One of my older friends who is now 22 years old said that him and his best friend have done it porbably 25 times but stopped when they were 17 because they were just horny little teenagers who couldnt "get none". Then they started doing it with girls instead, but they never did anythnign with eachother except maturbate- and now they are both still best friend and happily married with wives and kids.

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i've had serveral experiences. When i was between the ages of 6 and 12, i experimented with my friend next door (she was the same age as me). the most we did was dry sex. she became so curious of my early developing body that she wanted to look at my new boobs and new hairy bits on my body. i think she touched my boobs once at 11. i wouldn't even call this engaging in sexual activity, just being sexually curious of our body changes as i certainly didn't get turned on by this.


the last sexual encounter with a woman was a couple of years ago, with a friend and her boyfriend (my first 3some). that was a whole different experience all together.i did have full sex with her, but i found the whole experience liberating in a way. i felt like i was exploring familiar grounds and i was getting the emotional intamacy that i had craved for months before hand. i had just broken up from a bad relationship only 2 months before, and, well this may sound werid but this experience made me believe in real connections again.


i have had some childhood sexual memories as well as recent reminders of these memories. i'm 100% straight, but i admit, i loved the emotional connection you have with a girl.

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I've had several experiences with a certain girl --- Making out and really getting into it. We're not close friends or anything, it just kind of happens. I do find her attractive, but I have other close friends who I find attractive but would never make out with. Weird, eh?

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I've had several experiences with a certain girl --- Making out and really getting into it. We're not close friends or anything, it just kind of happens. I do find her attractive, but I have other close friends who I find attractive but would never make out with. Weird, eh?


Thats really cool actually... I admit.. I woudl love to try it but I have NEVER EVER found any of my frineds attractive.. and it would be way weird to do it with a friend anyway... but where do you find someone like that??? darn!!


How old are you?

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lol yeah, i really wanna do it with a close friend of mine, just for the heckof it... u live life once and only once (unless ur one of those who believe in reincarnation) so why not have some fun? Its not gay, and studies show that a pretty high number over 50% of males have had same sex encounters, and women are much higher, cant remember the number.. but im thinkin about 80%. I mean, hey its a good experience and fun too really.

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