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Do you think i can do anything?

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me and my g/f of 2 1/2 years broke up over a month ago, we never broke up in a bad way, we both said that we loved each other and everything, but she said that she needed time, we talk via phone and text messages, and i gave her some time, 1 month to be exact, and i called her, and i told her my feelings, told her that i still love her more than anything in the world, and she said that she THINKS that she loves me as a friend, but i dont thinkt hat she is so sure, and i think she may feel this because she has gone from seeing me everyday to not seeing me in over a month, i have strong feelings that we will be together again at some point, and she even said she does too, but this was when we first broke up, but i think she still feels the same because we always had the same kind of feelings.


Anyway, do you think there is anything i can do to make her realise how much i love her and ned her in my life?, like sending little notes to her house and such things?, i dont really have many good ideas, and i dunno if they will work or turn things the wrong way? what do you think? any ideas?

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They always say that if you push someone away that loves you and cares for you then they will come back to you..


Tell her how much you care for her don't beg, don't cry.. Just tell her and don't contact her anymore..That will be you pushing her away..


If she loves you she will come back and contact you. After that then you two can talk more... Love is 2 way not just one.

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Yeah i suppose your right!, but i cant just push her away!, i love her too much to do that! i really have a feeling deep down that we will be together again someday but i know its gonna take time and it wont happen overnight, but i was just wondering if there was anything i could do, like a sweet thing that a girl would like someone who they love to do for them? any ideas?

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