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do ladies mind glasses


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Glasses aren't a problem in the dating world - but they do make it more awkward to kiss, especially if both pairs wear their specs.


Some find it irresistably attractive, other's don't. I had one boyfriend who loved my glasses, another who raved when I wore contacts, still others who had no preference.


While I understand you'd want to make a potential SO happy, what really matters is what works for YOU. I perfer my contacts, but if I'm running late I grab my glasses. I glasses work for some people and not for others, it's all a matter of preference.


I do happen to find purple or green (but not fake green) contacts incredably sexy tho.

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If a girl is going to judge you based upon wearing glasses, she's not worth it. Don't worry about what girls like, focus on what you want. If you are fine with glasses, wear them. If you'd prefer contacts, fine. It shouldn't matter.


In my opinion, glasses can help draw attention to a persons eyes, not detract from them. They also can symbolize intelligence which I find very attractive.

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I don't think of glasses as good or bad Now adays I dont mind wearing them anyways. Peeps always say I look the same with or without them But i'd still prefer contacts.


Other than that it really shouldn't matter if you wear glasses or not

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