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i need some advice.......


i've been crushin on my friends brother for about a year now. i was in highschool and he was in college at the time, so it looked like there was no hope. he decided to take this semester off and stay home (otherwise he would be in pennsylvania) now we're both in college, so i think there's more of a chance. lately, since he's been home, i've hung out with him a couple times and he's been extremely flirty with me. for example, the other day we were at a wedding and at the reception out of no where he said "so jill, what's our wedding going to be like?" he's made several comments or jokes leaning towards us it seems like?? and another time we were at the movie and again out of no where he was like "there's a line of girls waiting for me; you better get moving." and just other things like that. his sister and some friends have told me he's never acted that way towards anyone before and its kinda weird that he's acting that way towards me now that he's home and all. i mean hey, i don't mind it, i've had a crush on this guy forever!! my friend talked to this "guy" the other night and asked if he liked me...he said "no, hes just playin around" and another friend asked him and he said just about the same thing. so tonight i go over my friends house and this "guys" there. he said hey and whatnot and then out of no where he was like "jill, everyone thinks i have a crush on you" (trying to play dumb) i was like who thinks that?? he gave me a couple names and didn't say anything after that i'm clueless at the moment because he acted like maybe there could be something and now hes kinda denying it. i saw him again tonight and i swear he kept looking at me. just glancing ya know?? the kind of glance you do when you don't want that "someone" to know that your looking at them. you know which one i mean??? anyways, i'm confused. please help!

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Hi there,

I agree with the others.. intead of getting tongue-tied next time he makes a comment try instead to answer him back with your own witty remark... maybe he is just fishing to see if you are attracted to him too.


Don't ask him on a date straight out--I wouldn't do that--instead suggest something he could help you out with...this is kinda like a non-date, but you get to spend time with him just the same. Plus guys usually like to help girls do stuff-- it's good for their ego.


Maybe you should ask him "so are you going to ask me out while I'm still in my 20's?" the next time he makes a comment about how his line is getting long.

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Maybe you should ask him "so are you going to ask me out while I'm still in my 20's?" the next time he makes a comment about how his line is getting long.


this is the best line.. you canb ask him.. is he is one of those jerks then you know it and you can move on. hope this helps



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