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I have been dating this guy for almost a year now. Lately it feels as though he's been pushing me away, but just when I think I'm ready to actaully walk he comes back around. We use to be pretty close spending time together and now we barely see each other. He use to call me several times a day and that's pretty much gone, if I want to talk to him I have to be the one to call. I have recently found out that he was asking an ex of his out behind my back and then when confronted he said he didn't want to lose me over it and stopped talking to her completely. Things just seem to keep going down hill between us and I can't seem to stop it. I care for this person alot and I'm not really ready to lose him. How do you fight to keep that person in you life, how can you tell if they are really wanting out of a relationship.

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just tell him how you feel about him and that you want to spend more time with him, and ask him if he still feels for you like he used to. You just have to let him know how you feel and see how he reacts. It might be good and then again it might be bad. Either way, at least you won't be worrying about it anymore. G'luck.

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If I where you I would ask him why he doesn't talk to you and I would asome he's going out with his ex. But I 've been in his situation before but some body just made it up so we would break up. Well you could get together and you to could talk about the communication decressing and if he still likes his ex and you could work things out from there. Well thats all I can offer and Good Luck. 8)

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