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Me and my boyfriend decided to split up a little over a week ago but remain friends. Yes stupid and we have realised we need space today ( we still love each other and both know we will get jealous ) so I'm thinking maybe 2/3 month before contact? I actually would still like him in my life eventually when the feelings have faded.


We used to text each other every day with random links, memes, jokes stuff like that as well as numerous phone calls.we didn't see each other until weekends. Anyway, I've decided as ( I'm finding it hard already ) to right down in a little app on my phone everything I want to say etc. Today alone I've wrote and put two memes in it. I'm finding it therapeutic and hopefully an ice breaker when we eventually are ready for a friendship. Do you think this will hinder my healing process?


A little about us we were together nearly a year on and off. We split up to much, argued far to much, had trust issues and he was quite overbearing. Saying that he helped me through some very hard times and we get on brilliant when there is only friendship. He wants to remain in touch but not see each other for a little bit but I think full no contact until we have healed. He has a agreed but said he will still send the odd text even if I don't reply.

I have always managed to stay friends with both my previous exes but with this one I feel I need a break for awhile. I truly love this man as a person and he has restored a lot of faith for me in the opposite sex. I just hope one day we can be part of each others lives without jumping into bed a ruining it all over again.

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This sounds like me and and ex of mine. We were always better as just friends. Our relationship failed. He was very jealous and I believe a bit insecure. I was always accused of cheating when there were no clear signs of that. My life consisted of school, work, church, & him. He pushed me away and was emotionally abusive and cheated. I remember he told me one day when I called that he was busy with "her". Whoever her was. We argue often. Mostly about me being unhappy and not getting what i needed. His arguments were about me cheating lol. Whoever I cheated with. Things didnt go right until we became friends....2 years after the break up. By then i was too traumatized to even consider taking him back. Definitely go no contact for a while. Once feelings/emotions fade, then see if its worth trying again.

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