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I was fingering my gf at the theatre today. We was kissing while she was fingering. SHe moved her legs around, inner to my hands. Her breathing was getting hard, so I went in. Her breathing got heavily. I was confused and scared that i was hurting her so i stoped...Now questions


1) was she hurt cause she moved her legs around?


2) did she like it cause her breathing got heavier?


3) should i have continue inside?



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Its hard to say, you'll have to ask her if you want actual answers. Its hard for us to guess how she was feeling, cause really she's the only one who knows. If your doing this kind of stuff with her, you should be able to talk about it with her too, so just ask.


Heavy breathing is a sign that she's enjoying it. Moving around could be anything, maybe she was uncomfortable, maybe it felt good. Thats hard to say. Talk to her about it if you want to know..

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  • 2 weeks later...

next time try to make it a more intimate setting, being that your new to this, that way she can give you some instruction. and yes you can hurt a girl, sometimes it's more of a soreness she is going to feel later on rather than right away but she knows where you should and shouldn't rub......


once you get the basics down, read up on the g-spot and other tips on fingering....I'm sure she will appreciate it too....but deff. ask her first on what she likes and does't because every girl is different, and the things that will literally make my girl rip the towel bar off my shower wall because she can't stop cumming, may not do a thing for your girl

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  • 3 weeks later...

Her breathing heavily probably ment she liked it and if she was moving her legs about that could have ment she was moving so that it felt nicer. Don't always go straight it, antisipation is the best thing go gentle and make it romantic. Only do this if she seems comfortable with it, she sounds like she was ok with it to me.

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Her moving her hips is an action she may not be able to help if she is enjoying herself. Girls in general tend to gyrate there hips to vaginal stimulation. On sure sighn of her enjoyment is how wet she gets. When doing this, play with her clit for a while and slowly part her lips and explore just at the opening of her vagina. Odds are she will move her hips a little as she will want you to explore inside her a little. Just be jentle and enjoy.

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