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What are the signs he is cheating


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Sometimes your gut feeling is your marker for what is true and is why id listen to it, especially if you then find evidence that backs it up on your own or from others around you..


Cheating, he won't introduce you to his female friends, goes out with them day or night and does not include you.

Won't answer his phone in your presence, or when you call him won't say love you if he normally would back to you.

Acting sneaky for no real reason are a few.

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I take note of men's phone issues. One guy I dated always shielded his phone when he would text. Another (ended up in a LTR with him) always left his phone in the car until one day I told him he ought to start bringing it the house with him, after all he had an 11 year old son at home. Hmmmm?

My last relationship he would hand me his phone, tell me his password and ask me to look something up.

Comparing these and other men's patterns, I've met there is definitely a sort of spidey sense when something fishy is going on.

Trust your gut.

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