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Poem for my ex

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I havent given this to my ex, who recently broke up with me, she was seriously hurt in a previous relationship and although i know she cares for me she doesnt want to get to close, Im crazy about her but im giving her the space she needs, what do you think?


separate from truth and fiction,

an emotional sea of contradiction,


listen and learn but dont attach,

advice easy to give but hard to catch,


but is that what u really desire,

to build a wall and put out the fire,


to supress your feelings of happiness and love,

and settle for comfort and safety,


allowing yourself to be caged by the trails,

left by your emotions from the past,


consider this; who controls who,

do u control ur emotions or do your emotions control u

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Nice stuff, but DO NOT give it to her. In a moment of weakness I wrote my ex a lengthy love letter, professing all sorts of sugary goodness.

My friends talked me out of sending it and I'm glad I did. A few days later when I actually saw her again, I couldn't figure out why the hell I went out with her in the first place!

I'm SOOOOO glad I didn't send that letter!!

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That's one smooth poem.


If it was gonna make any difference whatsoever in her coming back to you I would definetely tell you to send it.


BUT it won't make any difference whatsoever so DON'T SEND IT.

TRUST ME on this my friend.


When my ex of [[2 YEARS and 4 MONTHS]] broke up with me almost 2 months ago I:


Got her a small diamond pendant $$ ( I got it back from her though so I got a full refund)

Godiva chocolates

2 hallmark cards

A stuffed bear

$40 bouquet of roses

PLUS I wrote her a sweet poem


And guess what??

Here I am on enotalone.com


I did all this for a woman who was with me that long and who put up with alot of my sh!t through that whole time.


And you haven't been with this girl that long have you??


Listen, When a woman is in a certain mindstate at a certain time, there is nothing you can say or do that will make her reconsider. Just give her time and see if she changes her mind.


I gotta tell you I'm learning alot from experience and from all the great advice that the good people on here have given me so far. If I had found this site one month sooner, I can assure you I wouldn't have done any of that stuff.


You got good intentions but for real

don't send it bro.



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Please don't make the mistake like the others by giving in and doing something foolish. You obiously still like her but anything you do at this point will have no effect. In fact it might push her further away from you. Once a womans mind is made up there is simply nothing you can do. I think you should keep this poem and whenever you feel down look at it. Keep it as a sentimental piece and move on. In the future you will look back and have a chuckle for old times sake.

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