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Of course like I thought he broke up with me

Quiana Howard

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I'm so crushed right now.


The boyfriend is now my not my boyfriend anymore. He broke up with me after picking me up from work today. I said this whole thing was a waste of time. He could of told me this last night when we were chatting with each other.


I didn't cry in front of him & told him to have a good life. I'm so SAD right now. I spend all my time alone, I never really go looking for guys. But they come to me, tell me they love & care about me, then I fall for them. Then they leave me. It always happens.


I'm never good enough. Never. I'm back to being alone & having no one to spend time with. I just want to feel numb.

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You just became single today, so focusing on a new relationship right now and how you are going to meet someone isn't really healthy, ya, it's hard not to, but you really shouldn't be looking for the next man right now. Focus on yourself, your hobbies, going out with friends/family, things to do etc. Build your life as a single, happy, healthy person. Start going out more. No money? Start working more, you'll meet new people, have less time alone and have more money to go out sometimes. Low confidence? Depression? Join a gym. Work on your body and you'll feel less depressed every time you break a sweat! No one home with you? Get a dog. The point is, focus on yourself and what makes you happy as a single person. Don't chase him, he chose to leave.


Also, so sorry for your pain.

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I'm so crushed right now.


The boyfriend is now my not my boyfriend anymore. He broke up with me after picking me up from work today. I said this whole thing was a waste of time. He could of told me this last night when we were chatting with each other.


I didn't cry in front of him & told him to have a good life. I'm so SAD right now. I spend all my time alone, I never really go looking for guys. But they come to me, tell me they love & care about me, then I fall for them. Then they leave me. It always happens.


I'm never good enough. Never. I'm back to being alone & having no one to spend time with. I just want to feel numb.


sweets, the ONLY thing wrong with you is the men you "choose" to allow into your life! Never trust a man who comes sweeping into your life telling you how he "loves and cares about you." It takes A LOT of time for love to develop...and when a man tells you that right off the bat (or soon thereafter) it's because he's lives in never-never land and wants you to join him! Problem is...as soon as you do...he's off and running to his next fantasy.


Learn to choose men more wisely and this won't happen. Be more discretionary about the men you allow into your life...and into your bed. Learn NOT to fall for every Tom, D*ck and Harry who knows how to sweet talk you (or any woman) into bed or to get you to join them on a journey into never-never land. Because those types of "relationships" NEVER last and it has nothing to do with YOU and everything to do with THEM.


And lastly, learn how to be comfortable alone...WITHOUT a man in your life. Once you get to that place (perhaps with therapy, a support group or even just by reading the right books)...you WILL be so much happier and have so much more confidence. And as such you WILL be able to differentiate between a man who only wants a quick fling and a man who is looking for a "real" relationship and commitment.


Good luck... and ((hugs))....it gets better I PROMISE!

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