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Why am I here


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I don't know why I'm here, or what to do. I just know that it hurts so much right now that everyday feels unbearable. It's been about a week since he officially broke up with me and I've blocked him from everything he could possibly contact me with. So why do I still hope that he'll come back? Will he? I don't know why we broke up, I think he couldn't commit to me in the end. We were in a relationship for a little less than a year. I don't know what went wrong, he didn't treat me well but why do I still want him back? I feel like I gave him the world but in the end it didn't matter. Why do I still want him back? Why can't I just get over this already? Why does it hurt so much for such a small amount of time to have spent with someone? It hurts knowing that even if I want him to reach out to me, he couldn't because I've cut him out of my life. I did it because it was hurting me too much and keeping in contact with him was prolonging my hurt. I expected this kind of pain, but why do I still miss him so much when the relationship was so bad for me? Why do I still want to see him, talk to him? I hate this.

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it's just not that cut and dry. I painfully missed someone I broke up with and kept hitting myself on the head asking the same questions.

Basically, no one is all bad and I think it's natural to miss the good parts about someone.

That and you mourn the loss of dream and something that you were very invested in.

Be kind to yourself. . Give it some time, and then some more.

Know that everything you are experiencing is normal. Painful but normal ((hugs))

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Because the minute someone leaves your life, all of a sudden the bad stuff doesn't matter and all you remember is the good. Plus, your life just changed drastically and your brain is naturally clinging to what it is used to - spending time with him.


Take the appropriate time to grieve the relationship and then put yourself out there and look for new people. It seems bad now, but I swear it gets much much better. I've been in your shoes, thinking there was no way out, hoping for my girl to come back to me. She never did, but I'm completely over it now and even talking to someone new who may end up being a thousand times better for me anyway. The same can happen for you.


This is NOT the end, this is the beginning.

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