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ex bf outta jail and looking for me...HELP!!!

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Ok my ex and i broke up for a lot of reasons one is the fact that he hit me more than once and knocked me out for so long that i didnt remember the next day another being he was starting to use a whole bunch of crack and crystal meth and well thats just no good. So my cousin shared a cell with him (sounds bad i know but really were a lot better than we sound) and a few weeks before he was released he was saying how he was going to come and get me back when he got out and kill whoever i broke up with him for and if i refused to be with him that "the grave would just have to be twice as deep" my cousin called me as soon as he could well now my ex is out of jail and looking for me a while back he found me and he tried to rape me but i fought him off and suddenly without explanation he just left. He is quite buff and was more than likely hyped up on some drug and i know that if he wanted to he could have rapped me. My bf has basically welded himself to me to try and protect me but i dont know if he can see i dont think his flesh will substane from a bullet. Any rational person would have gone to the police by now but i am not rational see he will just get out in a little bit anyway and come for me again a restraining order would mean i would have to know where he lives for his address and i dont so i just want advice on what to do please help[/code]

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Doe your parents know about this? You should probally tell them about so you can get out somewhere where he can't find you. A police report and a restraining order could help protect you. It is true that he would get out in a little bit after the arrest or anything but there would be records kept of his behavior toward you and it could hold up in courts as evidence and etc if he does try anything. The best thing to do is get somewhere we he cannot find you and do this asap. Seek help from someone, police, realtives that live near by you could live with for the time being. get somewhere safe

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I think that the police are your only option. It is not just you implicated in this. Your current bf could wind up dead, and your ex's life could be ruined.


Tell them, and if you feel you need to do more, leave town. Go stay with a relative somewhere far, far away.



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If a man has been in jail, he's been hitting you etc... It is obvious that he is not good relationship material.


If he had any respect for you he would've stayed out of trouble and worste of all he would not have hit you.


There is an old saying : " You can't teach an old dog new tricks"


Do you really think that he is not gonna hit you again?


REMEMBER : You can fool other people, but you cant fool yourself.


Good Luck.

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The second your done reading this advise, go tell mom and dad ON THE DOUBLE. You don't know what this guy has on his mind, and it could be scary. I think you should get mom and dad, and go visit your Aunt up-town or something. Tell the police that you are seriously frightened this man is going to hurt you or someone close to you.




I am serously begging you to tell the authorities and mom and dad, and don't stay at a place he could come and find you. Your life is to precious to geuss with. DONT WAIT and don't put this off anouther miniute!!!

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You need to contact the police ASAP, they are the only ones who can really help you. I know restraining orders are flimsy and he can probably find a way around it, but he abuses drugs and has beaten you before and spent some time in jail, the cops can find a reason to put him back behind bars again.


I was nearly killed by my boyfriend who abused me 6 years ago and I didn't go to the police, and he beat his next gf pretty badly too.... you can put a stop to this now before he kills you, your bf, or someone else.


He is sick, a drug addict and capable of God knows what, you need to take control and contact the police NOW and get him off the street!!


Good Luck

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Well i went to the police today with my bf and they told me i needed proof and that a bf wasnt credible enough due to conflict of interest but they would look into it. My parents are in Mexico right now on vacation and so i cant tell them for at least another 3 weeks cause their are no phones where they are. I am staying with my bf while they are gone. (my bf has an apt even though he is only 17...weird situation) We told my bf's dad what was happening and he handed us a shot gun and and hand gun and we went to the shooting range (i already knew how to shoot) he is making us keep them here with us and we arnt alloud to leave the house for a week at all unless the place is burning down basically. His dad is calling every four or five hours to check on us...i just dont know what to do. I feel so bad getting my bf in all this even though he has told me it wasnt my fault...i mean i am the one who dated him you know and now he is after us and planning who knows what...its so bad that when their is a knock on the door i jump and grab a knife or one of the guns! I couldnt shoot him even if i had the opertunity and right to so i dont know why i grab the gun...(comfort zone i guess...i grew up with lots of guns...my father collects them) i could stab him no problem but still im scared out of my mind. I cant sleep or eat and my bf is starting to worry about me even more. He says he will do anything to protect me and the bad thing is i think he is telling the truth...i dont want that...honestly i would rather i get hurt over this than him...its my beef not his...i did it so what do i do now???????????

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