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Miss my LDB so much

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I Have just returned from seeing my LD Boyfriend, i spent a week with him and it was magical, we had the best time ever,


Now i feel a pain in my heart and miss him terribly, I am going to be moving to be with him at the summer,


I miss him, and just needed to rant a little

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I totally know what your going through. My girlfriend spent her entire winter break from school here with me and had to leave the other day. I'm going stir crazy and missing her pretty bad. The good thing is she'll be back in May after she graduates. I dont know how far you are from your LDB I'm only 2 hours from mine but both of us being poor college kids we cant exactly see eachother every weekend. Anyway summer isnt that far away for you and the end of the school year isnt that far for me. The best thing for us to do is to keep busy and living our lives and talk as much as possible to our partner. LDR can make a relationship stronger and help us appreciate what we have.

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the first week is always the hardest, we live 400 miles apart from each other and is an hour on the plane, which is not to bad, but if i was to drive it take me 8 hours,


we always spend the last day of being together crying and cuddling and feeling miserable as we dont want to leave each other, hopefully time will go fast and i am living for the next time i see him!

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It is such a support to read other people are going through the same thing! My bf lives 1500 miles from my home, and when he is at university, it is even worse (5500 miles). He was here for Christmas; we spent 1 week and 2 hours together


I am gradually learning to cry the day before we part rather than during the goodbye itself, because than it is really stressful and painful. He has a t-shirt with a fuzzy, almost towel like texture, that he puts on if I want to cry. Because it is cuddly and it absorbs tears... deep sigh... he left it here so I can touch it whenever I feel like... but I so much want to touch the real thing!!!


Because the time we can spend together is so limited, I always experience it as being very intense, even a bit stressful. It is hard to relax when you hear the clock in your mind ticking away all thos precious seconds . Do you also experience such a problem and do you have any solutions?

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I have that feeling exactly too, iv tried telling myself not to cry, but it doesnt work, the feeling of watching every minute go by is awful, i wish there was a way to ease the pain, but i dont think there is, i always have bright red eyes at the airport from crying, the odd person asking if you are ok makes it worse

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i always end up crying when he has left because its always hard for him too and he asked for me to be strong for him,

but i find i wish time away so he will come back quicker.


i have to try and get on and accept that he's job makes him go away and wishing time to go faster is just wishing my life away too.

when he left he gave me hes top that he wears all the time when hes back so i can have hes smell it dose help but its also not the same thing as when hes home xxx

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What can make me really angry is when people say: "yeah, you have chosen yourself to be in this situation". That really sucks, because the only alternative at this point is to break up with him. For me, that is not an alternative! It is difficult for me to understand people that are *considering* whether or not to enter in a LDR with someone living far away. I never felt I had such a choice, because I am very attracted to him and I care for him deeply. My heart is a much stronger guide than my brain I guess.


Do you also experience this?

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For me i didnt chose to enter a ldr, i was internet friends with my boyfriend first and i always knew i was atrracted to him, and then when we met it was like the part of my life that was missing had suddenly reappeared, friendship grew to love!!

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i know what your goin throught too. i saw my bf about 3weeks ago and im really missing hims o much. im guna be lving closer int he summer too, but i wish it would hurrry up.

whats keeping me goin, is that ive planned to see him at the end of january and then plannin a surprise visit for valentines


qt xxx

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aww guys i know it's so hard to be in an LDR!!! but stay strong


here's my advice to everyone: although it's hard, do the best you possibly can, and try to make it easy on your partner too. just out of personal experience, i made it really hard on my guy (like crying or being sad when we couldnt talk cuz i missed him sooo much) and caused him a lot of unnecessary stress, and it caused us to fight a lot more than we would normally.


i'm not with him right now, but the long distance wasn't the reason at all - we broke up when we were in the same place, so dont think thats the reason. just try to focus on the good things about your relationship, and try to be as happy as possible. it will be the best thing you can do!!! good luck everyone

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you have all just pulled me back out from an otherwise really black day of having to think abt spending another weekend w/out BF. BF is on overseas assignment every 2 months and we only meet once a month. He was back for Xmas hols and it was wondering getting to see so often.. now he's back on the road... sorry, just wanted to rant too and it's good to know that everyone feels it and it's not just ME being a loser !


ya, i agree with confusedboy89, no one understands unless they are in a LDR.


i stopped crying at the airports awhile ago (we sorta say goodbye every month so it becomes kinda silly when i cry each time... but it's always "just there"... usually i just think of when to see him next and no think about how far that time is...


thanks guys for just sharing this! i feel better already!!!

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