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don't know what workout schedule to do!!! Help!!

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I've just joined a Gym, but I'm a little too embarrassed to get a personal trainer, so I was wondering if someone could help me out….


I don't have any problem areas, but I would like to get my whole body toned, and a flat stomach. I'd like to loose about 8 pounds, and was wondering what exercises and machines people would recommend that tone more than one area at a time. Any suggestions would help so much!!!


Thanks a lot!

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I've just joined a Gym, but I'm a little too embarrassed to get a personal trainer, so I was wondering if someone could help me out….


I don't have any problem areas, but I would like to get my whole body toned, and a flat stomach. I'd like to loose about 8 pounds, and was wondering what exercises and machines people would recommend that tone more than one area at a time. Any suggestions would help so much!!!


Thanks a lot!


Why are you embarrassed to get a personal trainer? They are trained and have lots of experience helping someone just starting out learn the equipment and exercises, and can show you what to do so you don't hurt yourself! Or if you know anyone who is experienced working out safely they can go with you to help you out once or twice.


Free weights are great, but I really recommend a personal trainer to show you how to use them correctly...other than that most of the machines will have pictures showing you what to do and how to use them.


Also, implement some cardio (on treadmill, elliptical, etc) as that will help you burn calories and shed some excess fat.


And of course, part of a healthy lifestyle is good nutrition...eat lots of fresh veggies, fruit, lean meats, lean dairy, and complex/whole grain carbs. And take in less calories than you burn!

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Nothing more to add to RayKay except that different people like different excercises. Just try them out and see which ones you like.


To tone your body you must do some resistance training, usually weights. Mix your training with some cardio as well (swimming, running...and so on) and combined with a good diet (diet is so very important when trying to loose weight) you should see some good results in two to three months time.



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i used to go to a gym (and whish i still did) and i was also too embarrassed to get a trainer. so i just used to wait machines and all. its also very comforting to bring someone with you, a close friend or someone (i went with my mom--lol--we are as close as we can possibly be).

i can't remember the name of it, but there is a crunch machine that was AWESOME. i only did like 5 and i was sososo sore from it the next day. i like the elliptical runners better than treadmills and bike because its esier to control, i have bad knees and this didn't hurt them at all, and you can run backwards! the leg press is also a really good machine to thighs/butt.

i loved ALL of the upper body machines....

i sound like such a fitness freak...now i miss going to the gym.

and never EVER be afraid to ask someone how to use a certain machine or anything of the sort...they can be very helpful

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If you ever go to a book store I would recommend trying a book called Body For Life. I used it in college when I gained the Freshman 30 (hehe) and lost the weight very fast following the program in the book. As for machines, I actually mostly used the free weights and followed the exercises and program illustrated in the book. I'm only 5'1" and weighing 130 was really too much for my body frame. I used to date North Carolina's light weight body building champion and have always been a weight lifter since high school so just using free weights was different for me than using the machines but they worked really well in toning and general muscle building. Free weights give you a wider range of motion than the machines generally do... The machines tone specific muscle groups and limit your range of motion to target those groups... free weights you can use to do many different muscle groups with a wider range of motion. The book mentions this and I have to agree with it.


Hope this helps some and good luck!

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The gym is cool if you like doing that sort of stuff, for me it get boring after a while. My advice is find an activity or sport you enjoy doing, that way you will always WANT to do it. I enjoy cycling and hockey it keeps me fit and I have fun doing it so it doesnt feel like I am doing it just for a workout .

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Yeah, as RayKay said, you should get at least a few consultations with a trainer - there's nothing to be ashamed about - that's their job! They'll show you how to use the machines and weights properly, so that you're getting the maximal effect and that you're not going to injure yourself.


When I go to the gym, the people who look stupid are those that don't know how to lift weights. My trainer just looks at them, shakes his head, and says, "Man, they're going to seriously injure themselves doing that!"

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I recommend this:

Do cardio three times a week- Things like biking, jogging, treadmills are good, things like that.

Then do more mild exercise three times a week-things like swimming, yoga, walking.

Then use the remaining day working on whatever you want to achieve,

(ie if you want to build endurance have another day of cardio)

Always keep your exercise consistent. Twenty to thirty minutes of one thing is a good block. Don't overdo it. And never force your body to do anything that hurts you- you can push yourself- but if you're body says to stop, stop. Always stretch before and after. Drink plenty of water. Don't eat an hour before or after you work out. Make sure you work out at a time of day when you have plently of energy.

And remember- everyone works out to improve themselves, you don't need to be self conscious. You're on the right road.

Be confident! Good luck!

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I decided to quickly write out 2 basic workout routines for you, do the first and then progress onto the second after 2 or 3 weeks. You dont have to do them but if you do then feel free to modify them to your liking!


As you are fairly new to working out i suggest you first start out by correcting any muscular imbalances and "prepare" your body for some of the tougher exercises that are in Routine 2. If you are unsure about any exercises i list then do a quick search in Google to find sites that will explain them.


Here is what i think you should start out with, do this for 2 weeks:





1. Static Lunge (holding dumbbells)

2. Single leg calf raise (can be done on an aerobic step up board)

3. Bench step (Holding dumbbells, also done on step up board)



4. Dumbbell lying row

5. Benchpress (can be done with either barbell or dumbbells)

6. Pushups



7. Dumbbell upright row

8. Dumbell lying pullover

9. Dumbbell bicep curl



10. Sit-ups (cheat up, slow lower)


Then once you feel you are confident witht he exercises above then you can move on to more familiar exercises:




1. Situps (do these with weights when you are ready)

2. Side raises

3. Leg raises


1. Crunches

2. Side raises

3. Leg raises



4. Seated or standing calf raise

5. Squats



6. Barbell shrugs

7. Dumbbell seated shoulder press

8. EZ Bar Bicep curl

9. Tricep kickback



10. Benchpress (dumbbells or barbell)

11. Incline Benchpress (dumbbells or barbell)

12. Good Mornings (DO NOT do if you have back problems or feel any pain)

13. Reverse dumbbell flyes


Dont do any of the exercises with the maximum weight you can because you only want to tone your body, not pack on a large amount of muscle mass (which is what constantly overloading your muscles will eventually do).


If you feel any pain or have a history of muscular problems then DO NOT attempt any exercises that you feel will be bad for you or cause injury. You should always ask for assistance if you are new to or unsure about any exercises and consult your doctor if you are worried about doing any potentially dangerous exercises.


As everyone else has said, you also need to be doing cardiovascular work to help burn away the fat that will be currently covering some of your muscles. I reccommend 3 times a week doing moderate/high intensity running or cycling.


I hope this is ok for you, if you have any queries of questions then feel free to ask.


Good luck!!

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