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Does she seem interested?


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I've been out of the dating scene for a while now, ive been single for about 3 years almost with the reason being I haven't really been bothered by being single, I've not liked someone enough really to make an effort of asking them out. But that was until I started talking to a girl who started at my work lately. The first time I saw her at work we chatted for a bit before starting shifts on different departments. Through that first night we got each other for our breaks and chatted to each other as much of the night we could. We have quite a bit in common up to now.

The next night that we were both working was a week later and we did the same thing. I mentioned to her that I was planning to go to the Alton Towers theme park soon and she kind of invited herself along, not that it bothered me because im glad shes up for it.

Through that night she told me she borrowed money to a co-worker who was meant to give it back that night but didnt come in and needed it to get home. So I gave her the money and said I would get it off the person who she borrowed it to so she told me she wanted my number to text me and see if I managed to get the money.

I can kind of see some of the signals shes giving to me that says she's interested but part of me is saying she is just being a friendly co-worker and that im misreading these signals.

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I would be very wary of someone asking for money so soon after meeting you. I understand the whole "I lent this person money & they didn't come in tonight" thing, but I would still keep my distance & learn a bit more about her before you start spending too much time with her outside of work.

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Thanks for the quick reply. She didnt ask me to borrow it her. It was me that offered because it was a very small ammount of money anyway

I did ask her today if she was up for a day together at the weekend to go out shopping/watch a film/ whatever we fancy doing but she told me she has no money and isnt happy with me paying for her.

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I think you should slow down on her.


First of all you've only just met.. right?

Second, you two now work together. It's not always the greatest idea to get involved with co-workers. Too much risk involved there. Should it not go well, it ends up very uncomfortable, etc.


Why don't you just be a friend to her without any expectations?

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