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I need help...should I ask her out or not?

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So I really don't know where to start, because......well, whatever. I met this girl at a store that I'm really interested in. I've talked to her a couple times (only at her work), because I'm too shy to ask her out. I kinda get the feeling that she likes me, but it's hard to tell. Honestly, I've never had a girlfriend and I think it's because I'm just too shy to ask women out. I really like this girl and think it's about time for me to start dating. My question is should I ask her out at work or not? And if I do, how? I've never thought about how to ask a girl out, while she's working. Any help would be appreciated.

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yup, it's time to start dating. Asking someone out can be super scary but also very rewarding. Just go up to her, engage in some chit chat, and maybe see if she'd like to get coffee or ice cream during her break. Say that she seems like a nice person and you'd like to get to know her better. But, if she turns you down, don't worry about it - she could already be involved with someone. Good luck!

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Ya, I agree with Annie, talk to her, ask her for a cofee or somethign on break, try and really get the conversation going, really good, that way, when her break is done, you will have her very interested in it, then you just end it, and she'll want more of it, dont wind it down when you know, her break is almost up, keep it suspensfull, then just say, well you should get back to work, and then, Hey, you wanna go get dinner sometime blah blah, finish off from there. just act casual and outgoing abotu the whole thing, try not to act nervous (when I get really nervous, I shake, hopefully its cold where you are, so If u do this too, u can blame it on being really cold). GOOD LUCK!!!

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