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Tinder Fail


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So I matched up with this guy on tinder, (a dating app) and that same day he messaged me first. We talked a little bit over the weekend and Monday. The last time we talked on Monday, I sent a message asking what he likes to do/ if he has gotten a chance to explore the city yet (he just moved to the area). He hasn't responded, and it's now Wednesday, but the app shows that he was active yesterday.


I'm pretty sure this means he's not interested. If he doesn't respond by Thursday, should I just let it go, and unmatch him? I don't really wanna send another message, I think that'd be weird.

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Tinder is the epitome of social networking and smartphones and selfishness all wrapped into one little neat app.


If you want to wade the swamps of Tinder you better equip yourself with a life-jacket and really thick skin.


It's quick matches, quick convos, and usually a lot quicker meetups than traditional online dating. It comes with drawbacks... since it's so easy to meetup, you can get all kinds of people, you better do your "filtering" through text messages. He hasn't responded to you in 2 days? No big deal, probably not interested...or he didn't notice, or a plethora of other excuses. You should probably move on.



I was going to completely quit Tinder since I saw the shallowness and complete lack of caring for others...which is fine...it's a phone app, but I took it for what it was, and thought well I'm a decent guy so maybe there is some decent girls on here too... Well I think I got lucky, and 5 months later I am still dating her.



By no means do I encourage or promote Tinder, but I got lucky off of it, it's almost an occasional joke between the two of us. To give you an extreme, my best friend went on a date with a girl off of tinder after not messaging her for 4 months...she went on a first date with him, and then he never heard from her again. Go figure. People are so easy come, easy go, no one really cares or considers that you have feelings...but then again that's almost all of OLD. I essentially already quit tinder when I matched with my current girlfriend, but used her for demonstration purposes, and the conversation just went really well I felt compelled to give it a shot and meet up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Tinder is the epitome of social networking and smartphones and selfishness all wrapped into one little neat app.


If you want to wade the swamps of Tinder you better equip yourself with a life-jacket and really thick skin.


I couldn't have said it better myself (and I got quite a bit of matches when I was on it for a few weeks last year).


OP, Tinder is just awful. It's even worse than POF...it's the worst dating app ever. It's almost like a virtual reality college bar setting...superficial, ruthless, and highly based on luck.

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