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Closure to A Relationship

Foolish heart

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There is that certain sense of relief that you get when you realize that certain gut feeling you were getting about the person you were dating was correct. Over the last couple of weeks I have reached out to the enotalone.com community as a sounding board to the feelings I was having in a relationship I could tell had shifted.


When you are dating someone you want to believe the things that they are telling you. I have learned that there are people who for the most part are not truthful. They will tell you pretty much what you want to hear and for the most part we buy into it.

I have finally gotten closure to a relationship that I felt was running its course. The funny thing is when you confront someone and they still deny it is pretty crazy.


I never did get the opportunity to physically have an actual conversation with her which she avoided. I think she realized that I would have been very much aware that she was not being truthful.

Speaking from experience trust your gut and question things that seem questionable. I can honestly say that I have met a female player or narcissist. I am not sure but the one thing I do know is that I am happy to have her out of my life.


I want to thank everyone that contributed input and helped to open my eyes to the things that were right in front of me.

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