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My best friend stole her from me

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Ok, the last couple of days i have been posting here about my relationship w/ this girl that i met. I REALLY fell for her and i fell to fast becuase now she's gone. My best friend knew how much i liked her and stabbed me in the back and now they are together. I lost the girl that i pretty much fell in love w/ and my best friend just stabbed me in the back. I dont' know what i am suppost to do. I feel so lost and hurt. Normaly in these situations i would cut myself like i dd in the past but i know i can't do taht becuase my parents pretty much search me for cuts every day. I don't know what i am suppost to do anymore....i just feel like my whole world is collapsing. My relationship w/ my dad, my friends, my family, everyone is going down the drain, i just don't know what i am suppost to do. Sometimes i just feel like it would be easier if i weren't here anymore.....if u just disappeared..or died. I don't know how i am suppost to get through this...

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Well for one, like Dragongirl said, cutting will get you nowhere and suicidal thoughts will do nothing to help you out. Believe me many people here (including myself) have been down that path and some of us have gone further down that others. All it does is cloud your vision of life and what is out there for you.


Now for you dilema. Well you really can't blame your friend for taking her. Yeah it's a stab in the back to you, since he knew you liked her, but if you were being hesitant and not persuing her, then she was pretty much open for anyone. You say you fell for her and really liked her, but did she knows this, or know how you felt? If she didn't then she was free to choose whoever she wanted to be with, including your friend. Yeah I do agree that it was bad for your friend to betray your trust like that (but I'm guilty of doing that a few times before as well) but maybe this is a way of showing you that you shouldn't trust all your feelings/emotions to someone unless you really know that you can. I don't let anyone, except my family and g/f, know anything about me and how I feel. It is mainly due to trust and I don't want that information used against me (I've known some of these people for over 6 years, and I still don't completely trust them).


I do feel bad for you though since you had to experience this type of heartache, but judging from your post, this tends to happen a lot during your time of age (I'm guessing your in JH or HS right now). Some people will do it to be mean, some will do it un-intentionally, and some will do it just out of jealousy. Whatever reason your friend had for taking the girl you liked, well it's done with. There's no taking it back and right now you just need to move forward. If this girl like you, and knew how you felt about her, she would have probably not started dating your friend, and if she did then it just shows you what type of character this girls has. There's plenty more girls out there and you will meet them in good time. Maybe this girl isn't the one for you right now. Best of luck and take care.

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Man as much as I would want to beat the friend up, I wouldn't do it. Even though it might be satisfying to smash his nose accross the side of his face or watch with pleasure as he screams while holding a shattered jaw, its not really going to solve anything in the end.


Your buddy wasn't really your buddy, and your girlfriend wasn't a good girl. Take the lessons you have learned from this situation and move on. Ignore the both of them, and act like neither of them exists.


You will make eventually make new, loyal friends and meet a nice girl that wouldn't do that to you. Trust me I know, I had a buddy do the same thing to me a decade ago.

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I'm not really sure the girl can be one to blame. I mean, how was she to know that both of them liked her? She's probably just going along with it, not realizing anything is wrong.


You friend is not a good guy though. He should have at least talked to you about it first. Instead, he went ahead and asked her out. That shows he doesn't care about how you feel and doesn't think it matters.


I think you should just not hang out with your friend anymore. Obviously if one of you was to persue anything with this girl, you would be hurting your friend. If it was you who got the girl, he would probably be as hurt as you are. Thats why you should never put girls or guys before friendship. However, you can't do anything about his actions.


Luckily there are other girls in this world. It wouldn't have worked out with her anyway. I mean, maybe you did like her, but would you have felt good hurting your friend over it? If your friend cares at all about you, he will see how hurt you are and understand.


Don't hurt yourself over this. There are so many other things to life than this. Why is your relationships with other people going bad? Maybe you should try to work on them. I don't know anything about whats going on with your dad, but you should talk to him. Tell him that you don't want to lose the relationship you have or something. Everything is capable of getting better, so instead of complaining when its bad, try to make it better. Don't let yourself get used to it going bad.


Just so you know, we are all here, and we want to help you with any thing you need help with. Don't forget that.

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First of all, cutting won't help anything. It will only make things worse by hurting you and hurting those who care about you.


That is a horrible thing to have happen. I think the guy is really to blame here. He knew how you felt and then betrayed you anyway. Stealing your friends girl, or a girl that your friend is interested in, is a clear violation of the Gentleman's Code and something a true friend would never do. Neither of them was a real friend and you are better just not having anything to do with them. Realize that you are better than they are and its there lose. There are other girls and other friends who will respect you and treat you right. You will find a girl that likes you and that you are meant to be with. Don't get discouraged, things will get better.


If you really feel that down, you should talk to somebody. Let your parents know how you are feeling. Talk to them and try to work things out. It may feel like you have nobody, but there are people who care about you and would want to help you trough this rough time.

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