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Bad things always come in threes

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They say that bad things always come in threes, right? So why are the bad things still happening?


Let me give you a timeline of the terrible year I have had:

March - my younger sister died in a car accident

April - my husband survived a terrible car accident

November - my cousin died in Afghanistan (U.S. Army)

December 27 - my husband was laid off


We just moved into a new apartment, we got our bills under control, we began planning to start a family, and then KAPOW! no more job, no more money.


All I can think is "why is this happening to us!" I lost two very young members of my family, I nearly lost my husband -- Why Why Why!


I know, maybe this is a blessing in disguise, but it is very hard to see it that way right now.......We always talked about setting up a savings plan for instances like this, but I never believed his company would let him go. He recevied so many commendations and recognition, I thought his job was safe -- boy I was wrong.


I don't know what kind of advice anyone can give me, maybe simple words of encouragement will suffice......I just don't know how to be supportive and stay strong and positive, when i am breaking apart on the inside.

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Hello elite....


I really feel for you... To go through all those horrible losses and your husband being laid off, guess it does make you feel like you're being tested by god almighty. Without doubt, you will suffer for some time.


I personally think that yes, bad things come one after each other, but it's nothing more than a random thing. With time, you will be able to overcome your losses while your husband will be able to find a job.


You need to stop asking yourself why those things happened and take charge of your life. I know it sounds quite impossible for the time being, but with love and help from your loved ones, it is not too great a task. Getting counseling also might be helpful.


In any case, we are here to hear you out when you need us. I sincerely hope that 2005 will bring you the happiness you and your family deserve.

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