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should i have kissed him??

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ahh! okay! overall...it was an amazing night! okay so me and this guy my friend is tryin to hook me up met for the first time tonight! (we went to this newarby fun park thingy) i love him! he is so sweet n funny n all that stuff! n i really think we "clicked" if u kno wut i mean lol...ahh hes amazing!like while we were driving to go pick him up (by the way we went with my best friend n her b/f) n i was like really nevous..kuz i was like this is gonna b aquard...but like 10 min after we had been together it felt like i had known him forever! okay so newayz it was dark (and cold) n we walked outside to where these dock things were and we walked all the way down to the end (jus me n him,....) n the moon was like reallly bright n it was full! it was like in a movie! lol so we sit down at these bench things n we are like face to fcae right accross from eachother (close) and like he kinda leaned in n made this cute face..n i was like hm a kiss?! but like i dk..we didnt then he jus kinda leaned bac..like it wasnt weird or nething i was jus confused...n now im mad that we didnt kiss! lol dannng! i wanna kick myself...like i was confused...did he wanna kiss?

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ok n one more thing....like im gonna b with him like tomorrow..is a kiss on the cheek too much for the second "date" like usually it wouldent be, but we arent officially "going out" yet and like this will b the second time i meet him lol like i met him for the first time tonight..i want him to kno i like him but is a kiss to much?

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