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Dreams of Rapest......Its Haunting me!!

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I was date raped in Feb 2002 so a little over a year ago. I had come to terms with it that it wasnt my fault of course on the date that it happened I cried but the next day I was ok. For the last 4 nights I have been having dreams of what happened to me. I wake up in a sweat and crying my eyes out. I am starting to worry. I am afraid to sleep.......I dont know what to do

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Yes, I have told my whole family about it and friends and pretty much anyone who asks or it comes up in a convo. I am very open about it. No I havent seen him or anything like that. Its just these dreams are starting to scare me

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Hi babes,


I'm so sorry to hear what you went through. As a man, it totally sickens me to think that men can do this sort of thing to another person, and the pain I would inflict on someone I caught doing that, would be indescribable....


I don't think anyone on here can understand how you must be feeling unless they've been through it themselves. I hope there is someone on this board who will be able to point you in the right direction.


I'm no expert, but I don't think it is uncommon for dreams etc to occur like this. You have experienced a traumatic event, and the repurcussions of that are stored deep in your subconscious somewhere.


Have you tried contacting your local support group or Rape Crisis centre? I'm sure they deal with many similar stories and can offer you support and proper councelling to help you move on with your life and past this awful memory.


I really feel you would benefit from talking to a professional about this, someone who has experience in dealing with this type of thing and can give you the guidance and support that you need.


My best wishes to you babes, and I hope the sick ba***rd gets what he deserves.

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