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I feel so bad about our breakup ...


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We were together a year, he's 34 I'm 31. I split up with him in march because of his anger issues.but he kept in touch since wanting to meet and be back with me.we met and had a great time I thought things were back on track..now I found out he's been seeing his nanas carer aged 40 Plus and has also cheated when he was with me with another of similar age.i told him I know and he denies...I've left it at that but I'm so confused and hurt and lonely I want him back...what can I do?i left on bad terms obviously.will he regret what he's lost?;(

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I'm so sorry you're hurting so bad right now. Break ups hurt! It's probably especially difficult because you've found out about cheating once you felt things were going back on track. In reality it sounds like you're better off without him so remind yourself that over and over again. Who knows if he'll regret losing you or not? There's no way to tell but you can look at the positive and know you won't regret spending any more time in a relationship with him. He has anger issues. He cheats. That's not what you want or deserve.


Healing from a break up takes time. It will get better and you will get over him. Remind yourself of why you broke up with him in the first place. Stay NC. Make plans with friends and family to keep yourself busy. I promise it'll get easier. Hugs!

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