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Ladies: what makes a guy hott

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I have talked to some girls that i know and i have found that i COULD be considered one of the hott guys in my class. My PROBLEM though is that my personality doesnt quite fit the part. So I am asking all the ladies out there if u could give me some tips on how to act.

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Day_Walker is right, generaly when a girl says "That guy is soooo hot!" they are speaking about someone's looks. What I've noticed is that when your in a relationship with someone you don't really say "My boyfriend is so hot" you usualy say " I like him because hes Nice, exciting, talkable..ect.) They don't base it on looks alone.

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"Hot" and "cute" are subjective words that can mean different things to different people. There is no clear cut definiton of either of these terms. What one person finds attractive, another person may not. There is not only one kind of good looking it all depends on the people involved and there own personal tastes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


In general, I think cute is used by and refers to the more quiet, shy, down to earth people. Hot seems to be for more outgoing people. But that doesn't have to be the case. The words can mean whatever the person wants them to mean. Some may even use them to mean the same thing, that the person is attractive in some way.


Don't be concerned if other people think of you as cute or hot. Focus on being a good, nice person. Any meaningful relationship is based on personality and common interests, not appearance.

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The difference between hot and cute really depends on who is talking. Some people are more interested in sexy bodies, and some are more interested in cute faces. Especially during the winter months we are probably more interested in your face than in other areas, but some people may enjoy checking out a nice body too.

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From my perspective, as a guy, I prefer cute over hot. (talking exclusively about physical appearances)


Like, there are many women that I would consider hot but I don't find particularily attractive. While there are very few really cute girls that I don't find attractive.


(and there are some that are both cute and hot!!)


but the preference differs from person to person. And it may be different

for girls than guys.

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