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does anyone dislike their's?

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hey everyone!! i had an awesome christmas but one thing happened before that made my christmas anyway um my grandmother cant stay at her house till wednesday cuz sumthing happened any way she's staying at a hotel and she's takin my cousin's daughter with her and she watched her open her presents on chrsitmas.not once in my 14 years has my grandmother watched me open my presents even when i was younger my cousins were always more important.so i m so mad at my grandmother.i use to try my hardest to get her proud of me and i found out a few weeks ago that there is no use. so now me and my brother hate r grandmother.. i no i shouldn't..i tried so hard not to but she makes it so hard not to how treats me how im nothing to her i m even on her mind.like the stuff she gave us for christmas she rubs in my moms face and she's i tried to make this a good christmas but she it better for my cousins as ussal .they're all goin swimming tomorrow and if we go i'll b stuck babysitting a four year old that i hate tooi barley even saw my parents on christmas eve and yesterday on christmas they were gone for an hour because of my grandmother any way does anyone else dislike or hate their grandmother/grandfather/grandparents???o ya she is my only grandparent left.

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is that grandma on ur mother's side or ur father's side? cuz i sometimes feel that my grandma on my mother's side cares less about me. but i don't hate my grandparents. but sometimes they make it very hard for ppl not to.....


favorism is very hard to take. i am the second oldest in my family, and my older sister always gives me a hard time when i get my way, LOL

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