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Need help quick!

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The ex sent me a test message earlier saying merry christmas, and I sent the same thing back to her. She called me about an hour ago and I missed the call, should I call her back? I am not sure why should we call again since she already said merry christmas to me. She didn't leave a message, what do you guys think I should do? SHould I call her back or ignore it? Need answer quick!

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Yes this is the same ex that I have broken up with before. I feel kinda cold not calling her back at all. I am also curious to hear what she says. Ever since she called I have been more stressed out tho, about what to do, and why she called and yada yada yada. I don't think it is anything serious or she would have left a message, but why else would she call? This is the woman I love, it is very hard to ignore her phone call. I definitely want her back. If you guys tell me not to answer the call and think that this may help me get her back, then I will do that because I value all of your opinions. What I dont want to do is not call back simply to be vindictive, because I dont believe in that., especially with this girl.

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i wouldn't play games..ie not answering, ignoring...call her back ask what she wanted...be prepared for the standard "just to see how you are"...I don't want to give you wrong impression yadda yadda...Take it how it comes and try to be casual..


If you decide to call back.

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