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First phonecall....


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I met this girl a few days ago and she gave me her number, and we've been sending a few text messages.


However I feel if I want to ask her out i should really ring her up! But its sooo nervewracking and im afraid that im gonna come accross as a loser cause im so nervous!!!


So has anyone any advice?



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okay, if you don't do it and you ask her out over text... how do you plan on keeping a conversation while you are in the same vehicle? or out to eat...


I made my first phone call to this girl today and I just confirmed a date and told her I look forward to it. Humor goes along way if you are shy, just totally open up. they aren't as judgemental as you think!



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ok so i chickened out tonite...


see i have a hard time relating to people as it is... i have few friends, and the ones i do have always tell me im boring... because i find it very hard to keep a conversation going, and i dont feel i have a sense of humour...


so this avoidance is like a protection system that stops me getting hurt (via rejection) as i feel if i go out with a girl there is no chance that she will ever like me ( because no girl who has ever interacted with me has been interested - the only girls who are interested are those "from afar")


i guess i could jus go for it and then somehow put up wit the obvious rejection (after an awkward few hours) but i dont know if i want to put myself (and her) through all that...



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ok so i chickened out tonite...


see i have a hard time relating to people as it is... i have few friends, and the ones i do have always tell me im boring... because i find it very hard to keep a conversation going, and i dont feel i have a sense of humour...


so this avoidance is like a protection system that stops me getting hurt (via rejection) as i feel if i go out with a girl there is no chance that she will ever like me ( because no girl who has ever interacted with me has been interested - the only girls who are interested are those "from afar")


i guess i could jus go for it and then somehow put up wit the obvious rejection (after an awkward few hours) but i dont know if i want to put myself (and her) through all that...




You would rather be in the "I got rejected but at least I know I should move on now" system than the "I really don't want to screw this up but I wonder if she's interested" system. In the "I really don't want to screw this up but I wonder if she's interested" system, you will begin to feel more depressed and aggravated that you didn't try each time. It's a vicious cycle. Much evidence is provided throughout these forums.


So gather some courage, take it easy, and give it a try. You don't have to be the best talker in the world to get a girl you know. But you do need to have a little confidence in yourself.

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Agreed, you'd rather be able to say "at least I gave it a shot" then "I wonder what would have happened." She may reject you or she may not. But you'll never know unless you call her and ask her. Fear of rejection is normal and its easy to pull away out of fear. But if you never try, you'll never get anywhere. The worse that can happen is she'll say no thank you and you can move on to finding someone else who will say yes, and you will find someone eventually. Work on your confidence. Tell yourself that your a good guy who a girl would be lucky to go out with. If she doesn't, thats her lost. Believe in yourself and take a chance.

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