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im 14 but think ive found my soulmate


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relationships change you. I use to be a little more harsh, but now im more gentle. My girlfriend didnt change me, she just brought out in me the qualities i wanted to give. Its like you want to give the best stuff you have, and throw away the bad stuff. Realize its because of YOU that you arent as shy anymore, and really it has nothing to do with her other then youve found someone you want to love as good as your 14 year old self can love.

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While I agree that you're young, it's not impossible for this girl to be "the one." And I say that because I started dating my boyfriend when I was 14, and we're still together 5 years later. I never expected it.


It's possible, but don't get your hopes up because if anything were to happen and you two broke up, you'd be so much more upset than if you weren't planning on it lasting so long.

So basically-- live in the moment. Try not to wonder about how long it will last. This could also help it last longer by it influence your decisions in things to come.

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Good luck young man!


As the others have said just enjoy the relationship for what is but please don't get to heavy!!! It will kill it off.


The other thing is. Rarely does young love last and if you are talking soul mates then 5 or 10 year relationships are small fry compared to 50 years! You will change. She will change. You may or may not change together.


Main thing is to stay young and just enjoy your time together. Forget about all this soul mate stuff.

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i learned the hard way that 14 yr old guys change their mind overnight. they become this new person with you, love you completely, and then overnight it all changes. Enjoy it while it lasts, maybe it will be amazing, maybe its the real thing, but just enjoy the moment and dont think about it too much.

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hey bud,

At an age such as yours, its best not to worry about whether or not you have found your soulmate. enjoy life and the stuff it throws at you. as long as you keep your mind focused on living life to the fullest, you may just have found ur soulmate. just live your life. have fun!

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