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After what happened...I keep asking myself the same thing "Is it over for good?"


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You may think I am crazy, especially if you have read my posts. The guy hasn't showed any remorse or any sign of love towards me in the past month. I know it is pretty recent, but the fact that he is with somebody else already makes me think I am not worthy (to him) anymore.


I am such a positive person...I tend to believe that everything is possible in life. Still, this weird hope I keep with me is not good at all. I have been thinking that this can't end like this ever since the break up.


What do you think? Many of you may be in the same situation...how do you feel?

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It's not that you aren't worthy, it's that he is with somebody else........That is kind of the end of that answer. Until he is single, it's not worth it BELIEVE ME....If you guys are meant to be, there will be a time where he is single and comes to you......then you can take the reigns from there and go where you'd like with it..... I would encourage you to try to focus on yourself, and making yourself happy and believe me....I am there and have been there many times with the man I am "with" which I don't even know if we are togethe rbecause he has not been in touch in over 3 days now almost 3 days..............

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I know...it's just that it happened so fast... I am really confused. Sometimes I want him back but at the same time I am not going to contact him. I don't know if I will someday but right now I am just too pissed off. I am trying to move on with my life, and enjoying things. I love life and I won't waste it. But I still miss him and wish I could have him in my life.

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yep. right there with ya. Last Sat. telling me in bed he was so happy that we 'were on the same page'.....and th next sat. I'm in his car with him telling me he 'does click' with this new girl he kept saying they were just friends. Met her on pof...but When he said "I don't think there is anything there...we just don't 'click'"...I'd say, but she thinks you're dating...he'd say...NAWWWW we're just friends. Crap. Just like we were for the last 10 months. So now he is kayaking, biking, hiking with her....and i'm sitting on this damn computer looking at ugly men on pof. I'm lonely, depressed...and wallowing.


Damn men.


edit. I always think if they don't have anyone else...there is always a 'chance'...cuz they'll get lonely. But the minute there IS someone else in the picture...you might as well kiss that false hope goodbye!!

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It's not that you aren't worthy, it's that he is with somebody else........That is kind of the end of that answer. Until he is single, it's not worth it BELIEVE ME....If you guys are meant to be, there will be a time where he is single and comes to you......then you can take the reigns from there and go where you'd like with it..... I would encourage you to try to focus on yourself, and making yourself happy and believe me....I am there and have been there many times with the man I am "with" which I don't even know if we are togethe rbecause he has not been in touch in over 3 days now almost 3 days..............



Did you have a fight?

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My girlfriend up and left me the other day, and i have been avoiding looking at facebook and what not, so i am not sure if she is dating. But she has made it very clear she is over me and there is no chance ect.. but i can't let go of the hope she will come back. She has treated me like crap, and i deserve better but i am in so much pain and anguish that i just want her back to be comfortable. I am sure this is the same for you, you know you deserve better than someone who can hurt you like that, but you would rather let them do that, then feel this torture. I feel for you. I can barely breathe. Four years of pampering this girl, and loving her to death every day, and she just moves out.

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My girlfriend up and left me the other day, and i have been avoiding looking at facebook and what not, so i am not sure if she is dating. But she has made it very clear she is over me and there is no chance ect.. but i can't let go of the hope she will come back. She has treated me like crap, and i deserve better but i am in so much pain and anguish that i just want her back to be comfortable. I am sure this is the same for you, you know you deserve better than someone who can hurt you like that, but you would rather let them do that, then feel this torture. I feel for you. I can barely breathe. Four years of pampering this girl, and loving her to death every day, and she just moves out.


nuckscelts...I really feel what you are going through. It is terrible to feel the loss of someone you love, and it is worse when you find out they didn't love you the way you thought...or they were not like you thought they were.

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Quote Originally Posted by delicous View Post

It's not that you aren't worthy, it's that he is with somebody else........That is kind of the end of that answer. Until he is single, it's not worth it BELIEVE ME....If you guys are meant to be, there will be a time where he is single and comes to you......then you can take the reigns from there and go where you'd like with it..... I would encourage you to try to focus on yourself, and making yourself happy and believe me....I am there and have been there many times with the man I am "with" which I don't even know if we are togethe rbecause he has not been in touch in over 3 days now almost 3 days..............


Did you have a fight?



Yes we did. We were fighting for like 2 weeks straight off and on, but it was mostly because I was having idenity crisis and has no business staying over at his place every day anyways.. It was way too much time together way too soon. And our past isn't cute. He did play on me more than once with his ex gf...we waited 2 years before getting back together..... And now that we are, it was complete bliss from the time got back together to 3 months or so, the 4th month, still good, but the 3rd and 4th week of may, things have changed dramatically. I hope all works out for you,.....



I just know it's a battle...: / and I feel for you.... Don't ever ever ever ever settle to be the other woman. It does not pay off BELIEVE ME.

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Did you have a fight?



Yes we did. We were fighting for like 2 weeks straight off and on, but it was mostly because I was having idenity crisis and has no business staying over at his place every day anyways.. It was way too much time together way too soon. And our past isn't cute. He did play on me more than once with his ex gf...we waited 2 years before getting back together..... And now that we are, it was complete bliss from the time got back together to 3 months or so, the 4th month, still good, but the 3rd and 4th week of may, things have changed dramatically. I hope all works out for you,.....



I just know it's a battle...: / and I feel for you.... Don't ever ever ever ever settle to be the other woman. It does not pay off BELIEVE ME.



I am sorry about your situation, I hope it will get better soon!


I don't want to be the other woman... I have been his gf for a long time and there wasn't another woman around...ever. So when he left me and I found out this time, there was another woman...well, that's when I realized I was losing him.

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Not every relationship can or will work out. No matter how special or great our relationship was with them, there has to be someone else better out there.


Yes...I knew we could break up someday...I just didn't think it would end like this... and I certainly never thought he could leave me behind so quickly. I don't know what to tell you right now because I am hurt. I thought we were meant to be. And apparently he couldn't get away from me faster...

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Yes...I knew we could break up someday...I just didn't think it would end like this... and I certainly never thought he could leave me behind so quickly. I don't know what to tell you right now because I am hurt. I thought we were meant to be. And apparently he couldn't get away from me faster...


My breakup was a shock, too. She left me for another man. No matter how much affection and love I showed her, she still left. I had to let her go. If she comes back, she better be crawling.


Do not take it too personally. You can never know what someone else was thinking. All you know for certain is they left. If he changes his mind and wants to reconcile, he will let you know. You have to let him go and get yourself back.

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My breakup was a shock, too. She left me for another man. No matter how much affection and love I showed her, she still left. I had to let her go. If she comes back, she better be crawling.


Do not take it too personally. You can never know what someone else was thinking. All you know for certain is they left. If he changes his mind and wants to reconcile, he will let you know. You have to let him go and get yourself back.



Well...they better be crawling! It's not that I want "revenge" it's just that they put as through a lot of suffering...Sometimes people learn the hard way, right?


I am sorry about what happened to you, too. There are good people here...we wouldn't care if we were not good people. I know we deserve better. It is hard to let go. When did this happen to you?

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Well...they better be crawling! It's not that I want "revenge" it's just that they put as through a lot of suffering...Sometimes people learn the hard way, right?


I am sorry about what happened to you, too. There are good people here...we wouldn't care if we were not good people. I know we deserve better. It is hard to let go. When did this happen to you?


It is very likely she is going to hurt again in the new relationship, but that will be her own doing by getting an insta-boyfriend within days of our breakup. Her track record is pretty bad. She will end up alone unless she changes her ways. Pretty soon, it will be 3 months. We broke up on 8 March. The first weeks were very hard.


I mean what I said. If she comes back, she better be crawling. I am stronger now. If she is going to act like that, I do not need her around.

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Charlotte, I've read through you're problems and if there's one advice I'd give you is that its really not you. 3 years ago I went through the exact same thing, we weren't together long but out of no where he broke up with me and i felt lost and my self esteem was shot. He immediately started dating someone right away and it was all over Facebook. What hurt the most was that for our relationship he didn't want to post it on Facebook and always made excuses that its not something he does.


I went through all the emotions, guilt self doubt then anger towards him and how he could have treated me like I was so disposable. We went 5 months without contact and after 5 months I saw him out and we began talking. He was still with the same girl but he was unhappy. He began to realize the mistakes he made and realize that he was being immature, eventually they broke up and began to tell me how he made a mistake and that I was the perfect girl.


The end to that story is that I spent 2 months unsure of whether I could trust him again. And eventually, I did because he fought to show me he wants me and only me. We got back together and it was amazing. We were together for the last 3 years and became inseparable and he loved me more than he's ever loved anyone. He even proposed and we were engaged since January.


Though this story does not have a happy ending because aside from the happiness we fought a lot, and there was always an underlying trust issue for me. I was never certain if he would leave me even though he had to always remind me. We finally broke up a week ago and it sucked. But the advice I wish to tell you is that if you guys are meant to be together, and I don't mean the fate kind of way, he'll wake up one day and realize he made a mistake. But if he doesn't then its just not the right guy. You just have to accept it, and learn to move past it. Theres never any certainty and you'll never find the right answer until you experience it and learn it. So just live each day and one day you will look back and be able to understand what happened.

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Oh god... it was the same day that he broke up with me...weird coincidence! The first month was tough...I was getting better at one month and a half...and then I saw the picture.


You broke up on 8 March, too? I saw their pictures on Facebook and that was more than enough. She looked happy, but I doubt it is going to last very last long. I blocked them both and never checked again. It makes no difference whether they have broken up yet or not. If there is going to be any chance of reconciliation, she has to make the move. I am not waiting for her, but the door is cracked open.

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Yeah...that day too. Unbelievable. My door is the same as yours. I completely agree...but I don't really know if he will ever contact me again and I am trying to live with that.


I am fairly certainly she will regret getting an insta-boyfriend. I hope she finds out he was using her to get a Green Card. (which is the most likely scenario given his apparent lack of English and her ignorance of Spanish) I would love her to tell me I was right when I warned her he was moving too fast. No man moves that fast without an ulterior motive. I hope she learns that the hard way.


He broke up with you. You owe him nothing. If he reaches out, be careful and take it slow -- but absolutely do not put your life on hold waiting for him back.

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