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Hey, recently I read an article on flirting and I was trying to evaluate if certain girls liked me. Now that I know what to look for its actually really obvious that they are flirting with me. I just wondered, how am I supposed to know if they are just flirting for fun or if they want to take it further?




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Yeah, and sometimes even then it's hard to tell, so you just have to talk with them some more 'til you know or ask them out & find out. It's tough to tell when some guys/girls are naturally flirty as well, and then you don't know if it's just their personality or if they really like you. So sometimes you just have to take the reins & ask..and if you get rejected, then take it as a learning experience & move on. But generally if you can't find out after one conversation (doing so is quite rare) then just continue striking up conversations and see if she's interested. That's what usually works for me =)





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