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Is my ex crazy or what ? help.

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So last night I ran into my ex (both 22 and she dumped me 9 months ago) at a bar and she was bad mouthing me (she has a history of this for the past 9 months. she spread lies around my work and friendship groups) to mutual friends and calling me f***face to them. I tried to be civil and said hello and she ignored me and walked off. So throughout the night I was sitting with two girl friends and they kept saying she's looking at me and them as well as giving them dirty looks.


What's the go here ? She said she was over me several months ago.

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It's not so much crazy as it is a defense mechanism.


She's only calling you a face because it's probably emotionally bearing on her to talk to her about you civilly or in good context, so she rather just fill her mind, and apparently everyone elses with negativity.

With the ignoring thing, that's immaturity, but also the same thing. She sees you with 2 other girls, she feels crappy most likely, even if she is over you, so her defenses go up.



You're fine without her, keep moving forward

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She's still got s few 'issues'. Don't bother with her.. at all.

Avoid at all expense and do not respond to her. In time, she'll lay off, i'm sure. Some just want some kind of response out of us.. good or bad.

Like a child.. they'll look for any kind of response despite their behaviour. Good or bad.

So look at it all as childish and let her 'deal with it' on her own.

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