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How to deal with user "friend"


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So I know this girl through one of my old friends. We were never close we just knew of each other because I used to be friends with her sister.


Anyways a month or so back my boyfriend and I did a favor for her. It was supposed to be a one time thing, but within a two week span after that she called like five times (either calling me or Facebook messaging my boyfriend) asking for the same favor.


I won't say what the favor was for personal reasons but it's something I regret doing now. After bluntly telling her "no" five times she slowed down but she still asks 1-2 times a month. It's getting to be too much. I also don't like this girl because she's one of those girls that constantly complains on social media, and posts a TON of scandalous pictures for attention. I hate s-shaming but you get the picture of what type of girl she is....


She messaged me again tonight asking. I bluntly said "no." Should I just tell her next time to stop asking and that neither my boyfriend or I have interest in helping her with this anymore? I don't want to cause unneeded drama but this girl is a total user.

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Unfortunately she's likely not going to stop, and if she's one of those public-whiners she'll bash you on social networking once you're actually blunt enough to get her to stop. Users see "no" as an obstacle, not a clear sign to stop... or rather a sign that says "huge cliff ahead if you continue" if you catch my drift.


I would block the number. Sorry you're getting nagged like that, pretty obnoxious.

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Unfortunately she's likely not going to stop, and if she's one of those public-whiners she'll bash you on social networking once you're actually blunt enough to get her to stop. Users see "no" as an obstacle, not a clear sign to stop... or rather a sign that says "huge cliff ahead if you continue" if you catch my drift.


I would block the number. Sorry you're getting nagged like that, pretty obnoxious.


Yeah she is pretty dang obnoxious. I guess blocking might be the only way to go....

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Yes, you tell her it's not going to happen again. And you have your boyfriend do the same thing. Then you both block and delete her. Some people are so stubborn or just flat-out dumb or clueless that you have to state what you want clearly and plainly. Just hoping she'll take the hint and leave you alone isn't working, so tell her to to stop asking and then block and delete her so she can't keep contact.

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