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i have butterflies and my heart races

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basically my ex and i broke up about a month ago now, the story can be found here (theres another link on the page to a more detailed version)




and basically whenever i hear her name, see her name on msn or talk to any 1 about it i shake and my heart races and i have bad butterflies in my stomach and feel like total Sh*t. Im having real trouble getting over her as everything reminds me of her, i love her more then anything anf she doesnt seem to realise this and i cant make her realise as she initiated NC but the thing is shes being doing things to get to me such as told my friend shes with somebody else already knowing that he will tell me when she isnt and is still single. I really dont no what to do with myself, moving on is very difficult and i dont no how to do it, anybody have any advice for me or no how i can make myself feel beter?





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You need to try and stop her having this power over you. NC is the best way to manage that, don't give anything away about how you feel about her, not for a good while anyway. Keep your distance, your dignity and let yourself heal, don't expect it to be easy but I really think you got to avoid seeing her at this stage since it'll almost definitely make things worse rather than better.


Hope 2005 is a better year for you (and me!).



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Hi Zab,


I know how you're feeling. My live in bf of over 2 years broke up with me 3 weeks ago, and I am having a very hard time coping with this, even though we are talking about MAYBE giving it another try. I think of him constantly, and it hurts.


I'm sorry to say that for me nothing has really worked in terms of trying to get him off of my mind, I've tried exercise, watching movies that have nothing to do with love, forcing myself to go out and see friends when all I wanna do is sit at home and analyze what happened.


I can say though, that time DOES help.... I am feeling somewhat stronger than I was when this first happened. I am trying to prepare myself for the possibility that we may not get back together, and how my life will be if that happens. My friends tell me that the last time I ended a serious relationship (almost 2 years, we didn't live together though) that I was in terrible shape for much longer than this. Maybe I realize that if I survived that breakup, this too shall pass.


I wish I had some words of wisdom or comfort for you, all I can say is that it's hard, very hard, it takes time, and when you need to keep posting here, these people are wondeful as I'm sure you know, and just reading thier stories and knowing I am "not alone" has helped me alot.


Best of luck, and keep posting !

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welll sdw we live in different cities anyways so seeing her is gonna be no problem but i really love her so much i was gonna propose 2 her in february on our anniversary thats how close we were and i had so many plans like on my birthday (next month) i was gonna go to her city pay for a hotel and just spend a whole weekend with her and do things like that which she would have loved, shes acting so childish and thinks ive been signing in on her account and adding myself back on to it which is so dumb i am not some little boy who does things like that, shes acting so cold towards me and im in so much pain is absolutely killing me i feel like im going mental



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It's tough I know how you feel. It seems that all you want is the loving and caring person you had back, but they're gone. I'm afraid this seems to be something we all just have to come to accept as difficult as it is. It totally sucks and your brain will go through all sorts trying to figure stuff out, I'm not much use right now myself cos I am going thru the same, we've just got to get on with it I guess.


My heart goes out to you, all the best.


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yeh i guess ur right, but im also hurt as she seems to be blaming me for everything that happens now, for example, i got stabbed a couple of weeks ago and was in hospital for a weekend, i told my brother not to tell any 1 and tell every 1 i went to france instead. so he did and somehow she found out and she said 'he let me find out deliberately' n im like wtf i nearly died n u think i did it on purpose lol, shes been doing things like this and its getting to me



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Know also has you feel. I also broke up with her a month ago and now i'm feeling worse than i was in the 1st two weeks... Now i seem to realise where it all went wrong and how maybe i could have saved it...

But there is no magic button to make time go back, so i have to pull my strenghs and move on, but its so goddamn hard. Lots of things remind me of her (the house for a start). I actually removed her from my msn contact cause she blocked me and doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Maybe that helps me get over here but now it's like i'm in the dumps and don't know how to exit...


And this X-mas will be my worst ever

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you bet it sucks... All the planing we made all down the toilet... Well one friend at work told me never make too much plans cause there is always something going wrong... Never expected to be this wrong

I'm feeling so powerless. Need to kick my self up but this is too hard...

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Keep posting and reading here. Go see new Blade movie, I haven't made it yet but I liked the first 2!

Stay on track, keep telling yourself there is a reason for all this, and YOU ARE SPECIAL. Keep saying it to yourself, sounds cheesy but it works. You are one of a kind and will grow from this, it's not for nothing. Go to gym, church, family or friends homes, talk to anyone, even here...keep going, you are worth it.

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Keep posting and reading here. Go see new Blade movie, I haven't made it yet but I liked the first 2!

Stay on track, keep telling yourself there is a reason for all this, and YOU ARE SPECIAL. Keep saying it to yourself, sounds cheesy but it works. You are one of a kind and will grow from this, it's not for nothing. Go to gym, church, family or friends homes, talk to anyone, even here...keep going, you are worth it.



Hey hey hey!!.....there can only be one GreatGuy! on this site


Just kidding...!!! Way to go buddy!!

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