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Just want an opinion

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hello people,

OK...there's this girl i like that i have written about in previous posts. i somehow got her email. i'm too shy to talk to her in person but if i email her i don't wanna be seem like a "stalker". so should i email her or do it the usual and hard way (talk in person).

*Note:she doesn't know that i have her email so....ya

Also...keith....you don't count so don't reply

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you "somehow" got her e-mail?


If you don't talk to her in person first...the first question out of her mouth (Or computer) is going to be "how did you get my e-mail???"


if that in itself is a dificult or embarrassing question to have to answer...you need to summon up the courage to talk to her in person briefly, then ask her for her e-mail so you could "talk" more.

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and it is of no concern to me how you got her e-mail...lol...but it may be to her...some people regard e-mail addresses the same as a phone number, that it shouldn't be shared unless asked for personally.


EXACTLY! If I were her, I'd want to know how you came to have my email address, as well. (And, if it's so "embarrassing" to share that with us, then I have to believe you wouldn't want to tell *her*.)


My advice? Forget the emails and work up the courage to speak with her in person. It doesn't matter how shy you are, you're going to have to talk to her in person sometime if you really want this relationship to go anywhere. (I'm painfully shy, as well, but there are some things you just have to deal with.)

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