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Does this girl like me....


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I met her this year...shes in a couple of my classes but we rarely talk in class or around school...mainly on msn

At first i used to have big convos wit her, about everything...lately shes not been sayin much to me...and occasionaly i start up a topic and after a while it dies out and we dont talk anymore that day....she usually talks to me bout schoolwork...

I feel so connected when we talk, but then i see some of her display names and they are reffering to this guy, lets call him guy1....like from 7 to 12 it seems like she talks wit him....i dont know, am i jealous becuz she talks a lot wit other guys and not me.....im so confused...i think about her everyday...but i've been readin other topics and im thinking should i just try to forget about her and someone who is interested in me will talk to me....OR do girls prefer guys start the convos...wit the hey(the 5min hery, whts up, nm...etc) and then a topic.....or will girls start talkin wit guys if they're interested in them or like them as a friend...i know wit a girl to girl thing its completely different...but here im talkin about a girl to guy thing....

anywayz there are a lot of different things above...plz make any suggestions or comments on wht to do or similar situations or anything...thx in advance

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well I am not sure about this girl, but if they like you I am sure they would want to talk to you. However when I am on MSN I often am doing other things on the net so may not start up a convo, but will talk when someone else does. Not the best answer but I guess what I am saying is that it could be that she is not interested but could be that she has nothing to say. OR could be shy. There are many reasons she may not start a convo

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