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what girls look for in guys


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I'm no expert in this field but being a chick, I can tell you a few things that I look for in a guy...


personality, sense of humor, trust, honesty, compassion, ability to listen and to be listened to (communication is VERY important), and things of this nature.


Get to know the girl before jumping ship. Establish a friendship, find out things she is interested in but don't go overboard because it may come accross as being too obsessive. Ultimately, you need to follow your heart and where it leads you -- no one person can say what you should or should not do. I hope this helps and good luck!

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Men are like moths, we are attracted to the seductive flame and many times are burned yet we always look for the superficial shell that Does not make a woman a woman.


Take time to get to know her.


It can start by approaching her a just saying "Hi, my name is _____ what is yours?"


Dont pass on the opportunity to meet her and be yourself. I you get the opportunity to hang out with her take the time to ask lots of questions and LISTEN. Keep eye contact and first and formost thank her for the time she gives you and don't ever SMOTHER the girl.


If she likes you will feel it if not on the first engagement but soon. If she just wants to just be friends dont get hurt but accept it as an invitation of learning about what makes women special.


Good luck!

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thank you.

i known her for a while, we used to talk all the time in one of our classes last year but haven't since. my friend asked her if she would dance with me she told him that i had a better chance of dancing with my mom. does that mean she just completely hates me or what.

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