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is 3 hours too long??

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Exaggerate: (verb) regard or represent as larger or greater than is true.


Over exaggeration at its best: when bragging about sex!

She's lying, if they did it for that long they would both be really sore! Me and my boyfriend usually do it for 1hr max and rest and then again but not continuously. The only times we ever go for maybe 1 1/2 hr- 2, is when he's completely stoned out of his mind.

Don't pay any attention to what she says, she wishes he could go for that long. If its true he probably passed out when he came. I did it once for about 1 hr excluding the forplay, and when I got off the bed I almost passed out, I could bearly walk.

Verdict: Your friend is a lyer.

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I don't agree with all of you saying that having 3 hours in and out the vagina is impossible. Come on you guys just because you never did it doesn't mean it is impossible. I'm in good shape and have a lot of endurance, 2 years ago I used to rent hotel rooms for 5 hours and we would usualy spend the first 45 mins foreplaying and the rest of the time the hotal manager called to tell our time was over. We used to have sex for more than 3 hour in a row without any problems and with great pleasure. And I was hurried to cum at the end for a single time it is only a matter of controlling yourself you can go all night long and make your lady cum over and over and over. TRUE STORY!!!!!!! PERIOD!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm sorry to tell you but i am about 98% sure she's exxagerating. No guy can last three hours unless he has a super penis. If it took him three hours with a girl just think how long it would take by himself. Not a chance.


I'd say your friends axxagerating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It goes like this...


I don't have a lot of serious sexual experience but I've been with someone for some time now and we have an active (and very pleasing) sexual life.

The other day, while doing foreplay, I challenged him to give me 20 orgasms in less than 4hr. It was a joke, but after about 2 1/2 I had already experienced 25, most of them while in normal intercourse.



So...I became worried.

We're all bombarded with magazines telling you THIS is impossible! The stereotype is that women seldom have orgasms at all, so what's up with me? Was that for real? is it ...normal?

I've started searching the web and felt some relief after reading something by Robert W. Birch on this website:


the record (don't ask for a phone number) is somewhere around 35 in an hour


And now I'm thinking..."Wow, it's alright, I'm not alone! It can be done!" And there I go exploring http://www.enotalone.com forums, feeling really good about this open-minded place, planning to post something about my experience, get some feedback, when I read this Topic...


My boyfriend never lasts less then 1 1/2hr... And I've seen/experienced intercourse (not conting foreplay...) for 3 hr. in a REGULAR basis.


What's the matter? Is this so...weird? So unnatural? He only ejaculates at the very end and says he makes no effort in achieving that. Should I be worried with this? I ask him if he doesn't orgasm because he's not having enough pleasure, but he tells me he fells just fine. I've already found myself thinking that he's lying about how much real pleasure he really feels. And he already asked me if I fake my orgasms (I usually have about 5-8 each time we have sex).



Or should I just think...hey, we are SO BLESSED!

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