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Cannot deal with break up

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My boyfriend and I cannot be together because the culture we live in does not allow it. We are both from two opposing religions but we love each other to death. We want to get married but our own personal beliefs and families would never go with it. So now, I'm trying to deal with breaking up with a man who still loves me and I still truly love.


We've vowed to concentrate more on our postgraduate work in order to distract ourselves from each other. We still see each other every other day. We still kiss and I know that the feelings are still there.


I am trying so hard to deal with the fact that we cannot be together. I've not been eating right and I cry every night. In fact, I cry everytime I am alone in my apartment without him. When I cry, I sleep and sleep and sleep. I wake up tired and miserable and just sick.


He, on the other hand, has resorted to a more frightful method of diverting pain. He cuts himself It hurts me horribly to see cut scars on his arms and have begged him to stop doing it. But I keep seeing new scars and even bruises on him. It pains me so much that he hurts himself. I can't help caring for him. Recently, he kept getting sick and I've told his a thousand times that he should stop hurting himself. I go to his house almost everyday and stay whole nights to take care of him.


I can't deal with this break up. In between my office work, my studies, my own health, crying myself to sleep and my love for him, I think I'm going crazy. Reality's just too hard.

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I'm sorry to hear you sad situation. Since the both of you are so much in love, then both of you should go against the odd of belief and family of your relationship. Think what is most important for you and him, since it the both of your future.


If I were you, I'll go against anyone who is against my relationship with him etc.


Don't felt sad because both of you are in love!


Best of luck and keep up with the relationship!!!

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I'm sorry to hear you sad situation. Since the both of you are so much in love, then both of you should go against the odd of belief and family of your relationship. Think what is most important for you and him, since it the both of your future.


If I were you, I'll go against anyone who is against my relationship with him etc.


Don't felt sad because both of you are in love!


Best of luck and keep up with the relationship!!!


I agree, I am with someone that is of a different religion than me and we are going agianst our family just keep in mine if you want to get married and have kids that might be a totally different situation and it might cause problems in the future.


Athough the parents of the both of you dont agree with the relationship eventually they will have to accept it , just do what you think is right for you don't let anyone tell you other wise.

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Thank you for the reply. We can't go against it. We've explored every option. It is in our country's rules that we cannot marry. Our families will not stand for it either. They are ok with us dating and all. But if we were to marry, someone has to compromise. How can they expect us to change who we are? I wouldn't sacrifice my beliefs and I don't expact him too either. We accept and respect each other for it. We can't migrate to another country and leave everything behind.


It has come to a point that I just hate everything and everyone around me. Life's just sucky nowadays.

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Sounds to me like you are living the story of Romeo and Juliet.


If you really love him the it would be worth it to Flea and leave your country or change your religion but that is up to the two of you. Just promise me you both wont kill yourself though Like Romeo and Juliet that would just be tragic

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It sucks, it is really the most terrible/tragic thing in life when two people love each other dearly but cannot be together or even see each other. I am having this kind of feeling/problem right now.


Sometimes, we cannot just simply run away from our own responsibilities. I know the feeling too.


But in your case, you are still better than many people, that you can see each other without problem. Then, what is the problem? As long as you love each other, marriage is not an issue. People marry and love, but they keep break up and divorce all the time. Be together, marriage is not a problem, right? Many people don't marry and still stay together for the rest of their lives.

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I guess that it is more than just being and living together. My boyfriend and I are looking forward to a real family together.


If we could change the world, it would be that the world would allow it, our families would be happy and supportive of it, and our friends would be cool with it.

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