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Hey there I hope you people have some good advice cuz I'm very stuck... I have a friend, lets call him Bob. Well bob and I were chatting one day on msn about sexuality. He is aware that I'm bisexual*leaning more on the lesbian side*. He then told me his gf was interested in experimenting in other females and wondered if I was interested. So i got to know her better and we hung out n stuff....it's been 4 months now though and I think i'm getting attached. But I don't really know where I stand in the relationship; I feel like an experiment. Bob practically lives with his gf and I dont get to see her as often bc shes pretty far. I don't know her feelings for Bob either...or how close they are...i'm so lost! I don't know what to do...HELP!

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i agree, it seems that they want enhance THEIR sex life, not really have something with you...I wouldn' do it, it seems you will get hurt, especially if you already attatched...


although the decision will be yours...hopefully you will think about what everyone says, we kind of see an outside view on this...



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