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I called my ex..He called me back..What now?

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Hi everybody,


I finally called my ex after three months of thinking about what he has been doing. A brief summary would be that, we had broken up 1.5 years ago, but we are still on the same campus, and the last week I saw him but he did not see me. I called him since I want to say him hello, whats up? when I see him around the campus. So I called him, said all these things and also said that I wanted to have a coffee and talk together anytime. His voice was happy and confused but he said he would call. so he sent me a sms 2 days after this conversation telling that ' we are going to a movie come if you want'. I hesitated but eventually went to the movie, but I was so anxious that I constantly spoke to his boyfriend, and did not very much talk to him..he didnt also talk to me very much. we entered the movie but it was so boring and also i had seen the movie before. so at the break I left the movie, we said 'c u' to each other.

this is the story, and now I am feeling too bad about leaving the movie, I had a chance to speak to him and i lost this because I could not stand to watch the movie for three hours.

the question is should I call him again? or should I forget about this alltogether?

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