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Master cleanse

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I did it once. I lasted nine days and to be honest was underwhelmed with the experience.


I also did a juice fast, and that's something I'd recommend if you're looking to clean yourself out. Increase in energy, my skin and eyes were shining, good weight loss.

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It's mostly hype. If you want LONG TERM energy, skin improvement, and weight loss, you need to change your diet for good and go to the gym regularly. A fad diet or cleanse may make you feel good temporarily but the effects aren't going to last.

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I agree the Master Cleanse didn't have any long-term effects and felt like a stupid fad.... but the juice cleanse I went on for a month was pretty life-changing and resulted in permanent dietary changes.


I would recommend the film "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" for more information on how to use a juice fast to "reboot" your life.

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I don't believe that juicing is that great because there is still a TON of sugar in fruit and you are consuming a lot more of it when you juice versus eating the whole fruit. Also, whole fruits and vegetables contain lots of good fiber and nutrients that are lost when you juice. Those nutrients are just not in there.


It's healthier to eat a well balanced diet and log your calories. Become mindful of what you eat AND how much you eat. Both are important. It's not a quick fix but if you stick with it, your health will be improved for the long term.

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A juice fast is largely fresh vegetable juice, with only a little fruit.


It's extremely healthy and many use a full-out juice fast as a catalyst to living a cleaner, healthier lifestyle, as is illustrated in the immensely popular film mentioned above (available for streaming on Netflix).

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