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Christian who do drugs?

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true. that's why i drink water and do my best to eat healthy foods. i do care about life. i don't like to pollute my brain and liver. excess or not, drugs, alcohol, etc. are never GOOD for your body. you can say ok well if drugs are bad, this and this and this are bad too. that's fine, you're probably right. but you're never going to disprove the fact that drugs aren't in fact bad for you..regardless of how much consumption has taken place. i'm christian, but i'm talking from the perspective of anyone. i'm not judging, i'm simply saying...drugs are bad. period. if ever wanna talk, feel free to msg me. take care

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well i think it does depend on how much of what type of drug. heroin is bad for you in any amounts, but nitrous oxide and certain other painkillers are relatively or near completely harmless. it's about how careful you are with them. i think it would be a great idea for more drug education to come about rather than treating it with an almost mythical association with evil. if people are educated and trained to understand and control uses of drugs (certain drugs not others) then drugs might become just like power supplies - potentially dangerous but most people would have the common sense not to misuse it.


we already have people with eating disorders, gambling addictions, etc, just like any addictions to non chemically addictive drugs such as nitrous oxide. it's an addiction to how it feels.


i, myself, don't like talking about things as being good or bad, rather than how they work/function/are applied. i know most people in the world do label things off as being good or bad without really getting the facts and logically thinking about them, just because of other people's stigma on them. and i believe anything, even drugs, can be used for good purposes


Hey, people have made aspirin and pain killers from drugs right? Invaluable during surgery. We treat people with anxiety, bi polar disease, etc. We use alcohol to clean things, and 2 or 3 standard drinks is actually quite nutritious for you, and doesn't overload your kidneys/liver yet). Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, causes happiness and a feeling of love (which is why aztecs used it almost medically to treat injured soldiers in shock to recover psychologically).

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  • 4 months later...

well either way


people should be safe about whatever drugs they do. stay away from them completely can help one get over the need for it. get rid of it, throw it away if you have to. let others helpe you too. drugs, alcoholl are bad. you can hurt yourself or someone esle..don't drive, etc.


thanks you all


reading your posts on this subject have helped me a lot


you've helped me get to a point where i'm okay with myself


i wish you all the best of luck in fighting your addiction, especially with alcohol. it's hard to over come. please never be afraid to talk to someone about your problem, if you have one, even if that means some sort of emergency number. it feels so much better to realize that there is help out there. it's so hard because with alochol, you can hurt yourself and others. i hope you can get it out of your life. throw the stuff away if you have to, just stay away. people can help you get it out of your life for good. this site was wonderful for me.


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wlfpack81 has a point, when i read the story of jesus, i can't find anywhere the part where he looked down on anyone for doing wrong, instead, he said he was here for the Ill not for the ones that are healthy, an ill christian is still a christian and I or nobody is in authority to judge, remember we are no one to judge....we can't save or send anyone to heaven or hell, I believe that if there is something I do that God doesn't like, eventually I will feel I should stop or God will make sure i know somehow.....


God loves you just the way you are, he made you that way...

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First of all, let me state that alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, chocolate, aspirin, Tylenol, cough syrup, decongestants and antihistamines are all drugs.


When you drink a cup of coffee, can of pop, eat a chocolate bar, drink a beer, glass of wine or cup of tea, you are consuming a drug.


Yes, some drugs are illegal -- but most of these drugs have only become illegal in the past 80 years.


The youngest parts of the Christian Bible are at least several hundred years old (not counting minor revisions). Many believe that the Bible makes reference to the use of cannabis in a positive light, and there is certainly nothing in the Bible condemning the use of a particular substance.


Sobriety is certainly a desirable state of mind to be in most of the time, but all animals (humans included) have a natural drive to change their mental state be it through physical, mental, spiritual or chemical means.


Substance abuse is a different story.


Substance abuse is characterized by a pattern of continued pathological use of a medication or non-medically indicated drug or toxin, that results in repeated adverse social consequences related to drug use, such as failure to meet work, family, or school obligations, interpersonal conflicts, or legal problems.


If your use of any substance (legal or otherwise) does not result in negative consequences in your life, then I don't see where the problem is.

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