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My Ex acts like he is still turned on when he sees me!

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I'm so embarrassed! I still see him in the library all the time and every time I do he's acting physically excited. He's obviously getting an erection! (Okay, sorry moderators that may not be too polite but it's true!) I know he's got a new gf and I have a new bf. How do I get this fella to move on? I tried friendliness with him but it didn't work for me. When I was with him all I had was trouble. How do I get him to quit noticing me????


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Now really, why wouldn't it bother her? It's one thing to be turned on by a member of the opposite sex, but it's another to not even try to hide it! I'm sure his girlfriend wouldn't be too thrilled either if she knew he was strutting around the library with an erection. Ugh!


As for what you can do about the problem...Perhaps start off by giving him a dirty look whenever he's giving you that "look," and if he's got a brain he'll realise that you're not at all thrilled by his excitement. However, that may not work for very long, so you're probably going to need to talk to him about it. As awkward and embarrassing as it will probably be, you need to put an end to it somehow, and letting him know just how much you dislike it should certainly put an end to his excitement.

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im just saying..he's just "excited" to see you? so..he's attracted to you, is that such a horrible thing? i mean..unless he's intentionally showing it to you to make some sort of a point or making gestures or something...that woudl be different. maybe i dont understand the situation good enough

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of my discomfort. But I can't speak to him about it as we are no longer speaking! He has a new gf! I've moved on! I no longer want want to deal with him! I agree with giving him a dirty look...but speaking to him about it? How would that conversation go? "Oh, by the way I notice you are getting an erection when I walk by, would you please stop that?" He'd just deny it, and then what would my response be, rip his pants open in the library to let it show? I don't think I'd be able to come back if I did, and I need the library. And the thought of sex with him still freaks me out. We are supposed to be done!


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Amazing, you're freaking out cause of the thought of sex with him, and I'm freaking out cause of the thought of sex with anyone other than my ex........holy crap I'm more screwed up than I thought!


You should just ignore him. Maybe he does that on purpose cause he knows it will make you angry.

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