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how do you become the ONE

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my bf broke up with me a week ago, we were together for 2 years...we never fought or anything like that...we were so happy together...but he broke up with me because he said that i am not the ONE for him, saying that he doesn't see himself with me on a lifetime relationship...but, we are both only 24 and are at the point of our lives where we are so busy with school and work...my question is that is it possible for a guy who says that he coudon't see me face to face for a while because he is afraid that he might retract back what he said to realize one day that I am the ONE for him?. The funniest thing is that he even told me that he loves me and that if we stayed together we would have been so happy but instinct is telling him that there is somebody else for both of us...i am so confused please help me. I even asked him if he is still attracted to me and he said that he is...(sigh)....

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It could be o variety of things, sometimes people question and are just curious that there may be better out there. The old saying the grass is always greener. It could even be someone else that he is thinking about. Personally i think it someone else specifically.


Just let it be and totally follow the NC rule and if he comes back he comes back, if not trust that you'll meet someone even better for you.

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I am sorry for your feelings... he might just be confused about you, now that the relationship is becoming more serious. You cannot make yourself the ONE for someone. You can only stay close to who you are yourself, and find someone who thinks you are the one. Which leads to the question if there really is a ONE. My ex and I have both thought for a really long time that we were each other's ONE. After 2 years, it went downhill and it was on and off another 2 years.


Still, I have never met anyone that made me feel the same way as he did. Doesn't mean I won't ever meet that man.


He might just need some time apart. Don't contact him and try to work out things for yourself. Hope you feel better soon.



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I believe that by him telling you that you arent "the one" was his way of breaking up with you. Probably not his real reason but it was the reason that he was gonna tell you. Accept what he says and move on. He cant see you as anything different because he already knows you and knows what you are capable of.

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there's a saying "the grass is always greener on the other side."

sometimes we want what we cannot have. and sometimes we take for granted what we have. it's human nature. maybe he's just going through a stage where he wonders if there is someone else out there for him. i think alot of people have been there before.


i know it's hard. i'm going through a break up myself and my ex is asking for time apart. but the best thing you can do is to give him time to be alone and think about things and to miss you. give yourself and him some space to experience life outside of the relationship. enjoy time with your friends and family. pamper yourself. meet new people.


sometimes things happen for a reason. if he does come back to you, then things will be better because it's from his heart. i'm telling myself the same thing.......please be strong and come back to this board for support

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